How to calculate total property value for resale flat?
Below are the details -
Guideline value is 1675/sqft
UDS - 482
Total built up area -789 sq. ft.
Kindly let me the value of the property. It's 22 year old apartment.
Thank You
Priya 30 June 2022
How to calculate total property value for resale flat?
Below are the details -
Guideline value is 1675/sqft
UDS - 482
Total built up area -789 sq. ft.
Kindly let me the value of the property. It's 22 year old apartment.
Thank You
kavksatyanarayana (subregistrar/supdt.(retired)) 30 June 2022
It is not a tuition center to teach you. Go to the Sub Registrar's office and ask them for the Market Value certificate by paying the necessary fees.
Priya 30 June 2022
Thank you Sir. I apologize for asking this as i just wanted to double check as I had doubt. My advocate said it's both UDS + built up area.
Guideline value ×[UDS+ BUILT-UP AREA]
as it's old building flat.
If you can kindly help to know if it's correct way of calculating.
Kindly apologize
Thank you ðŸ™
Jason Hanks 01 July 2022
Get the best Property registration or real estate registration today.
Some of the most important things to think about when looking for a property include location, condition, size, and amenities.
You should also consider how easy it will be to rent out and whether there are any restrictions on the property. If you want to sell your current place, it’s best to be prepared with a realistic list of potential buyers. And if you plan on buying a house, be sure to check the neighborhood first so that you know what you can expect from the people who live in the area.