Dear All,
I had to file a private complaint a few years back in a district court. The advocate who filed the case for me, took a Vakalatma and a blank paper signed by me for the purpose of filing it. In felt a bit awkarard about signing the blank paper but I signed it anyway. Vakalatma was also blank. I signed it as well. Advocate filed the private complaint successfully.
This happened a few years back, now remembering this incident, I am a bit worried why he would have taken the blank paper signed from me. I am not quite sure if they filled in something in it to file in the court or not. I then felt like this was a standard procedure to fill something in it along with the Vakalatnama. But I am a bit worried why the blank paper which I signed may be used for?
Any reason, so you see such a blank white paper singed by me by the advocate/his office?
Should I be worried about any potential misuse of the paper if they still keep it as blank by the advocate's office?
What can I do now to prevent any potential misuse? It happened many years back, hence I may not be able to ask it back.