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Parnika   10 April 2023

Alimony money

Dear All

Good evening

I have a query and hoping that i will get relevant answers here.

My husband and myself got divorced under mutual consent. Now I did not want the divorce, my husband forces upon me because he was seeing someone else and wanted to get married to her. My wish and want didn't help and we finally went for mutual i did not demand for alimony.. he came up with a figure of 60lakhs and upon divorce gave me the cheque. I deposited the amount and my life was just goin fine . Suddenly after 2 yrs he comes back and says ... He made a mistake and wants his family back ( me and my son) after a lot of thinking i decided to go back to him for my child. Now I left my job and joined him ... So now he says his 2bd wife needs alimony and he doesn't have the money... If i give him that amount which I got from him as alimony, he will pay her and we can get married again , else it's a long process and will take time... Without even thinking i gave him all the money to give his 2nd wife and get away with it. It went as per plan and we got married and after 3 yrs that we are together.. we started developing issues again... The same old... Extra marital affair etc (which i don't want to disclose here) and it started affecting my mental health. Now he knows i am dependent and don't have any money... He says i can leave the house and go and let him live peacefully. I asked him for the money and said when he was in trouble I helped him with all the money even if it was his wrong doings .. now when he wants me to go, then he should settle me also... Right! To which he says that alimony money was never yours , it was that women's and i gave it back to her .

Now I want to know is it humanly possible to be this... Is that now my money what the court granted me . Can't i claim that money .

I need clarification on this please 

Thank you



 3 Replies

Dr J C Vashista (Advocate)     11 April 2023

It is your personal decision to obtain divorce and remarry same guy knowing well that he has got married with some other woman.

Every thing is possible.

Finance.and divorce are two different subject.

It is better to discuss the topic separately and consult a local marriage counsellor.


1 Like

Real Soul.... (LEGAL)     11 April 2023

You have been fooled by him and you have fallen to his trap, now apply for the divorce file for maintenance and send him legal notice for recovery of debt amount;

You have your own enemy and trusted the who ditched once. Since you have made your won loss in folly now you have to bear the pain. You can file for Domestic Violence to pressurize him

Parnika   11 April 2023

Thank you 

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