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BHARTI KOTHARI (practising advocate)     05 January 2014



Builder has sold units residential and commercial and also formed the society of all flat takers in navi Mumbai.

Now it is his turn to convey the title to society but he is saying that society should take steps foe conveyance. he is ready to sign but do not want to take steps for conveyance as one has to pay under table for the same.

Q.1 Can society file consumer complaint that it is for builder to take steps for conveyance?

 1 Replies

2BHelpfull (Other)     07 January 2014

 In October 2010, the state government had come out with provision to allow deemed conveyance in cases where developers or the landlord were not cooperating.

Go for deemed conveyance.where by u have to pay a nominal fees.


go through below link

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