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Kaushik   02 August 2016

Copy right

Dear Experts.

. If I translate the poems of a poet from Bengali to English, then do I require the explicit permission of the poet to publish the English translations?

. If another author has also translated the same Bengali poems into English earlier, then do I also need his permission to publish my own version of English translations?

Regards & Thanks,



 3 Replies

jyotirmaya behera (advocate)     07 August 2016

Yes, copy right means you can not publish same poem in your name without approval from the original author. If you publish without approval from the original author, then you have to pay compensation.


Jyotirmaya Prasad behera

Advocate, Orissa High Court


praashant b   06 September 2016

what is the procedure for copyright a scriptt using online protal 

Ms.Usha Kapoor (CEO)     27 September 2016

If you publish an original book in Bengali to English  without permissionyou are guilty of copy Right violation and you need to pay compensation to th eoriginal writer or his LRs.If you appreciate this reply please click the thank you button on this forum.

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