Can Copyright be registered in name of LLP? If yes, if some liability arises in future for copyright violation , who will be liable to pay compensation, LLP or partners of LLP?
Pls advice
Dipen (Asst Taxation) 25 April 2020
Can Copyright be registered in name of LLP? If yes, if some liability arises in future for copyright violation , who will be liable to pay compensation, LLP or partners of LLP?
Pls advice
Vanya Agarwal 27 April 2020
Hello sir,
Limited Liability Partnerships or LLPs are body corporates and have their own separate legal personality. By having a legal personality, a company or an LLP has the right to sue or be sued in its own name. Therefore, copyrights can also be filed in the name of an LLP.
The Copyright Act does not expressly specify as to who can file an application for the registration of a copyright. However, any legal or natural person can file a copyright under the Act.
In LLPs, the personal assets of the partners are generally protected from liability unless a criminal case is involved. So in case of any liability arising as a result of the copyright, if it is civil in nature, the same will be the liability of the LLP. However, it will also depend on the extent of liability as per the LLP Agreement of each partner. There may be partners in an LLP, who have unlimited liability, in such case, the partner will be personally liable.
Hope this answers your question!
Vanya Agarwal
Dipen (Asst Taxation) 28 April 2020
Thanks for the explanation Vanya!
Just a further query , Copyright infringment would be criminal or civil in Nature? Also as far as LLP agreement is concerned , can we specifically mention that all partners liability would be limited?(Except if criminal in nature , partners would be liable as mentioned by you)
KISHAN DUTT KALASKAR (Advocate) 14 May 2020
The liability will be on all the active partners/directors of the LLP