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shraddha Shukla (Practicing Company secretary " Corporate Law Consultant")     21 June 2011

Copyright confirmation

I have applied for the copyright of content in the Delhi office 3 months back but have not yet received any responce from them except for the acknowledgment.

Kindly let me know how much time does it take to register copyright and do they send us the copy of the register entry by themselves or do we need to take any step in this regard.


please advice.

thanks in advance

 6 Replies

Atul D Suryavanshi (Attorney - JC Law Firm)     24 June 2011

Dear Shraddha shukla,

It take some time to get the Final  Certificate of Cpyright registration. (appx. 8 to 10 months)

you can check the status of ypu application wide your Application registration number printed on your Acknowledgement. Dont worry about it. If any opposition comes to you application the Controller / Registrar will inform you in written.

Feel free to contact us for more professional help, if required.


Atul Suryavanshi

Attorney-IPR - JC Law Firm

Mob. 09923552956 E-mail -

Mohit Attri (lawyer)     26 June 2011

thank you atul for ur valuable reply

varun kathuria (proffessional)     27 June 2011

Yes, it takes some time to have the registration certificate of Copyright. Also you can check your application status.

shraddha Shukla (Practicing Company secretary " Corporate Law Consultant")     28 June 2011

Thnx for the information. The website is not working to check status online(just for your knowledge)

Nagaraja B S (Corporate Commercial & IP Lawyer)     02 July 2011


Dear Shraddha,

It usually takes more than 8 - 10 months for Copyright registration. Acknowledgement with Dairy number is the easiest way to track your application status. Please call @ copyright office & check.



IP Lawyer

IP Lex Global Services

Mob: 9902007635


UTTAM SINGH NEGI (CS)     06 July 2011

Dear Friends,

Please give me guidance in a matter of copyright. Suppose i want to publish some information on matters which is already published and there in public domain on government websites. Now, i want to publish the same information which is of importance after adaptation i.e. through language and examples. Please let me know whether i should take the prior permission from the concerned department/authority/professional body before publishing and printing the data on my website. If i publish the data without their prior permission, will it the case of infringement of copyright? Please guide.


Uttam Singh Negi


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