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sharat   27 February 2021

Corona virus deliberate mismanagement.

Hello to all.hope to get your meaningful advice.

I'm a doctor who was working in a Delhi hospital. Which is deliberately hiding coronavirus cases and is indulging in all kinds of criminal behavior deliberatly to make easy money using the current scenario to it's fullest potential for monetary gains. I was directly involved in the incident and also have proof against the organization. When I objected to their disregard for human life and rights I was fired. I have repeatedly informed the health authorities and the district magistrate. Even filled a RTI against the health authorities for deliberate inaction against the hospital, nothing seems to be moving. The people visiting the hospital have Infact, a greater risk of catching this disease than who are walking on the road. The government as far as I know, has rules to take care of such misadventures within a stipulated time of few days. But it's departments are purposely sitting on such hazards.

Since nothing is happening and the hospital continues to play the game and Infact is expanding to other areas of delhi.

What are my options to stop them. They are obviously very powerful and connected. Can a PIL be filled. And whats the procedure. If not what can be legally done. 

Would really appreciate your reply and guidance. 

 5 Replies

Susan Mary   27 February 2021

yes you can file a PIL
1 Like

Sourav Sharma   27 February 2021

first things first. You said you have evidence to prove this. please see whether that evidence is sufficient enough to raise fingers against the hospital. and a PIL can do the job. u have to make sure that evidence which you posses is of such a nature that it can be used against them.

Varaganti Madhusudan Rao   27 February 2021

Write to CJI of Supreme Court so that your case can be taken up as a Suo moto case

Deepak Chandoliya   28 February 2021

First of all salute to your inner voice ! Sir cases of such intensity needs to be handled with a lot of care... the opposite nexus is of an organized criminals with all their agents at each level... so when we act, we should be at a sudden war not giving them a scope to defend... so I would suggest you can utilise different platforms with same details BUT AT A SAME TIME... So that the nexus remains perplexed how wide have you spread the truth... For this following are coming to my mind as authorities to be apprised... 1. PMO.., 2. President.., 3. CJI.., 4. PIL (formal mean).., 5. Opposition Parties (they are the relevant pressure groups to keep responsible govts on toes once issue gains highlights).., 6. NGOs dealing with medical negligence etc..., 7. All Media Groups..

sharat   28 February 2021

Dear sir, 

I thank you all for your replies. I have been wading this solo war for nearly 4-5 months now. I have contacted various people and organizations till now, including the pro bono lawyers but there were hardly any reply from any one. I have contacted the current government. Have filled a RTI to in which I attached the emails sent to the health department but the reply I got from the RTI was that this is not a case of RTI and since there's no reference number it can't be traced. Moreover it said contact the DM for any further pursuit of the matter. So I have written many emails to the DM too, with no results and no response.

Can you suggest a plan of action.

Best Regards. 

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