This is an ongoing problem I have had with the Corporation of chennai for 3 years. They removed my records online in 2010. Under the RTI I managed to get the Annual Value for Property tax from the local zonal office. Since the zones changed recently new bill numbers were given to all residents in my street. When I request them for a new bill number the ARO and Assessor say they can't find my records and want to do a re-assessment. I have given them 20 years of receipts and property tax demand card etc. They will not give me an official letter either saying that they have no records of my property which by the way is 53 years old!! I appealed via RTI to the Revenue Dept for the new bill number so I can pay taxes--to no avail. Is there any legal way to resolve it without bribery? I suspect the ARO and Assessor are in cahoots to get money from me.