Divorce is only in exception circumstances is the law applicable in our country. The Hon'ble Supreme Court of India has ruled that the divorce decree can not be granted as a routine. Even recently the SC held that only SC has power to grant divorce decree in case of irreveratable broken down of marriage. In judicial proceeding, like any other stage, reconciliatoin is one of the stage wherein the Presiding Judge talk both the parites either in chamber or in open court directly with a view that both the parties live happliy but in most of the cases reconciliaton fails and thus resulted either for mutual consent divorce or figting the case on merit. Reconciliation is an efforts to remove any misunderstanding between the spouses. The Presiding Judge act as a meditator and all the proceedings are confidential and can not be used in any court proceedings with a view that the parties can speal openly about their grievances.
The best and esay way to legal separation is by way of mutal consent as there is no allegation or counter allegation and the settlment betweent the parties can not be challenge in any court. However this must be used only when the life between the spouse have became miserable and both have lost complete trust and confidence