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Rupali Shah   08 December 2024

Counter claim

Respected Sir/ Madam

In my matter, counter claim is filed in September 2002  after 10 years of filing of written statement. 

No leave of court under O. 8 Rule 9 taken by Defendant. However, counter claim is exhibited.

There is no any endorsement of court like 'Read and recorded'   on the date of filing of counter claim. 

Now my query is, what endorsement dose  court make on counter claim, when it is filed on record? and

Is it mandatory to make such endorsement by Court?

 If there there is no any endorsement of court, then what will be the status of counter claim?



 3 Replies

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     08 December 2024

A counter claim can be filed after a written statement has been filed, as long as it's before the issues are framed.

In the case of Mahesh Govindji Trivedi vs Bakul Maganlal Vyas, the Supreme Court observed that a counter claim can be filed long after the written statement, as long as it's before the issues are framed. In this case, the counter claim was filed nearly 13 years after the written statement. .

However, the majority opinion is that a counter claim cannot be filed after the issues are framed and the suit has proceeded substantially

What is the endorsement are you referring to here?

Yes, it is mandatory to file a petition under Order 8 Rule 9 of the Civil Procedure Code (CPC) to file a counterclaim in a civil case after filing a written statement. 

Order 8 Rule 9 of the CPC states that a defendant cannot file a counterclaim after submitting their written statement, except with the leave of the court.

The court has the sole discretion to allow any additional pleading after the defendant's written statement. The court will only allow it if the party can prove that the pleading needs to address new facts, circumstances, or grounds..

The court can also require a written statement or additional written statement from any party at any time.



Rupali Shah   09 December 2024


Thank you for your kind reply.

Regarding endorsement, i wnat to know what endorsement court has to do immediately after  presenting the counter claim on record?

Beacause  in my matter court has not made any endorsement like 'Read and Record'. Then how to ascertian whether court has taken it on record or not.

Additionally, copy of counter claim is not served to the Plainitff.

Hence Plaintiff has not filed WS. 

Court has considered the counter statement and fremed issues based on the counter claim.

Plaintiff has lead the evidence. Now Defendant is going to file examiantion chief.

What remedy the plaintiff has ?

Thank you.


Dr. J C Vashista (Advocate )     10 December 2024

Yes, the court has to endorse /record filing of counter claim in the order sheet.

Generally Court as well as procedure do not allow delayed filing of counter claim.

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