Dear All, In a very strange Criminal case, Counterfoils of the FIR which are kept in the Police station and the main FIR copy which are routed through various hands from PI court to crime branch and after proper verification by Superintendent of police or other Senior Police Officers the documents reached the court. In the court case files are taken out for bail matters and after hearing the files are send back to PI from where it again comes up to the Court, and are send to the high Court for bail and other matters and after that it comes back o the original court. After six months of such exercises, the accused counsel says that the edges of the counterfoils kept in the police station does not match with the edges of the FIR copy in the court and says that the FIR copy is a forged FIR or a duplicate FIR and not the original FIR. Can it be justified that FIR copy which moves like a transport bus should be same with the counterfoils kept in the Police station?