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Guruswamy Basavaiah (Specialist)     23 December 2015

Court fee for performance specif suite


 In karnataka what percentage of considered amount in agreement needs to be paid as court fees ?

Will this amount be paid back by the oponent if I win the case.


 2 Replies

rajuchowdappa   23 December 2015

Mr. Guruswamy


Better contact me 9738465552

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     01 January 2016

The court fee payable in your case shall be computed on the value of consideration amount, which is given below, you may se where your case falls within:

1 [ (i) Not exceeding rupees 15,000 21/2 Per cetum (ii) exceeding rupees 15,000 but not exceeding rupees 75,000. Rupees 375 plus 7½ per centum of the amount exceeding rupees 15,000. (iii) exceeding rupees 75,000 but not exceeding rupees 2,50,000 Rupees 4,875 plus 7 per centum of the amount exceeding rupees 75,000 (iv) exceeding rupees 2,50,000 but not exceeding rupees 5,00,000 Rupees 17,125 plus 6½ per cent-um of the amount exceeding rup-ees 2,50,000 (v) exceeding rupees 5,00,000 but not exceeding rupees 7,50,000 Rupees 33,375 plus 6 per centum of the amount exceeding rupees 5,00,000 (vi) exceeding rupees 7,50,000 but not exceeding rupees 10,00,000 Rupees 48,375 plus 5½ per cent-tum of the amount exceeding rup-ees 7,50,000 (vii) exceeding rupees 10,00,000 but not exceeding rupees 15,00,000 Rupees 62,125 plus 5 per centum of the amount exceeding rupees 10,00,000 (viii) exceeding rupees 15,00,000 but not exceeding rupees 20,00,000 Rupees 87,125 plus 4½ per cent-um of the amount exceeding rup-ees 15,00,000 (ix) exceeding rupees 20,00,000 but not exceeding rupees 25,00,000 Rupees 1,09,625 plus 4 per cent-um of the amount exceeding rup-ees 20,00,000 (x) exceeding rupees 25,00,000 but not exceeding rupees 30,00,000 Rupees 1,29,625 plus 3½ per ce-ntum of the amount exceeding rupees 25,00,000 (xi) exceeding rupees 30,00,000 but not exceeding rupees 40,00,000 Rupees 1,47,125 plus 3 per cent-um of the amount exceeding rup-ees 30,00,000 (xii) exceeding rupees 40,00,000 but not exceeding rupees 50,00,000 Rupees 1,77,125 plus 2½ per ce-ntum of the amount exceeding rupees 40,00,000 (xiii) exceeding rupees 50,00,000 but not Rupees 2,02,125 plus 2 per exceeding rupees 60,00,000 cent-um of the amount exceeding rup-ees 50,00,000 (xiv) exceeding rupees 60,00,000 but not exceeding rupees 70,00,000 Rupees 2,22,125 plus 1½ per centum of the amount exceeding rupees 60,00,000 (xv) exceeding rupees 70,00,000 but not exceeding rupees 80,00,000 Rupees 2,37,125 plus 1 per centum of the amount exceeding rupees 70,00,000 (xvi) above rupees 80,00,000 Rupees 2,47,125 plus ½ per centum of the amount exceeding rupees 80,00,000]


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