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Harrassed _by _498a (Executive)     03 June 2016

Court fees and ad-valorem court fees


please revert on the below query thanks in advance:-

1. Is Ad-valorem fees is same as court fees in case of Letter of administration cases.?

2. What is court fees in delhi for Letter of administration ? Is ad-valorem court fees table valid on this or some addtional fees needs to be paid specifically in LOA cases.?

3. What is the meaninig of administration bond and how much this cost ?






 3 Replies

adv.bharat @ PUNE (Lawyer)     03 June 2016

The ad valorem fee now chargeable on summary suits instituted under Act XVI .

Consult local lawyer for fee details.

Harrassed _by _498a (Executive)     03 June 2016

Is any expert who have full knowledge of the question can please reply many thanks in advance i also wants to ask one question whether court fees and stamp duty are the same thing ? Thanks

bhupendra veer   12 June 2016

Court fees and stamp duty are totally different things. Court fees is chargeable on suits filed in courts while stamp duty is chargeable on instruments as defined in the stamp act and prescribed by schedules of the stamp act. One thing is common in both that is the mode of payment. Both are paid generally by way of printed stamps but clearly distinguishable by separate prints .for court fee the prints or india judicial or court fee. For stamp duty it is india non judicial. In the absence of availability of printed stamps of any kind cash deposits are allowed and now a days many states have made arrangement for such payment online through authorised agencies who receive cash etc and issue certificate in lieu thereof evidencing such deposits and these certificates are legally accepted by courts and concerned authorities. So far the matter of ad valorem court fee is concerned on LOA it is stated that the HIGH COURT in such matters directs the board of revenue of the state to intimate the value of LOA property and court fees payable thereon. In this process the collector of the concerned district evaluate the property and intimates the board who in turn calculate the court fees on that value and intimates to the HIGH COURT. THIS information is based as practice prevalent in uttar pradesh. With a slight practical changes as to board / authorities the principle is almost same. As regards the exact authorities u may directly contact the concerned HIGH COURT OFFICE and get the correct information. Hope this may help u.

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