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P S Jaya sankar   21 November 2022

Cpf vs epf

Respected Dr Vash*ta Sir,


As could not post this on my earlier thread, I am sending it separately.

Thanks a lot for exhaustive delebration on CPF  Vs EPF. I understood and referred on MoF OM and certain case Laws also. My understanding revealed lapse in the part of concerned Ministry, which has not taken proper action with Autonomous Body for change over to NPS. Lack of information/knowledge handicapped HR, employer of my organization, I am at receiving at because of their failure.  I also  not ventured on these issues earlier because of my confident on functional efficacy of govt department.  This mistake (not amending statutory rule) in the part of employer continued unaddressed for 30 yrs. I am due for retirement in one year. Have some experience Litigating-in-person in CAT. They have their own priorities and it is a cumbersome exercise for P-in-P. I prefer to adopt a shortcut, which may force employer for speedy action. is it correct, pl advice/opinion on my following approach please sir,.

i.e. I intent asking my employer not to make PF dedution, if my contribution cannot be deposited in CPF as per statutory rule. This may force them to look this matter seriously. It is because,  I am left with only one year service. I crossed 58, my pensionable age under EPS is ensured. I was on roll in 2014 so SC order on EPFO  dt 4.11.22 will be applied, when formalities completed. My hitherto accumulation in EPF, hopefully will not be disturbed.  Can I do it sir. Will this have any negative impact on me. My intent for this action  is it may atleast force them to correct their error now, which may be useful for the next generation employees. Will be grateful for your expertise please.

Jaya sankar

 3 Replies

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     22 January 2023

could you please wrti in understandable way.

P. Venu (Advocate)     23 October 2023

The facts, as posted, are too disjointed. Please post re-post facts that others can comprehend. What is the link to the earlier thread?

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     25 October 2023

how many threads you are having?

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