I had filed a writ petiton in person for enforcing constitutional rights of a lady who is kept in subhuman conditions.
The court appointed a trust for the lady 18 months ago. The trust miserably failed in its duty and the lady continued to suffer.
I had therefore filed an application for replacement of trustees. However since my application had some averments about the trustees which were not acceptable I was given an option to withdraw my application and I withdrew the applicatoin.
The court passed the following orders...
"when certain objectionable averments made in the criminal application and in particular in paragraphs 17 and 20 were pointed out to the applicant appearing in person, he seeks permission to withdraw this application. The applicant has filed a pursis stating that he is withdrawing the application. Accordingly, the application is dismissed as withdrawn."
Does this order extinguish my rights to file a similar application? Since the lady continues to live in sub-human conditions and the trustees remain as lethargic as earlier.
The main criminal petition has been already reserved for judgement. Since the lady continues to be in sub-human conditions and the doctor has already given a medical certificate that anything can happen to her soon, do I have enough grounds to move the application despite the matter being reserved for judgement?