We remained away from parents throughout our married life in a rented house.
As relation turned sour, I am in 498a soup. Pending legal terrorism, wife forcibly entered my parents' house to harass them, they managed to put a case of ‘criminal trespass’ & she got summoned in some sec 448. It was a private complaint at MM court. Now I want to increase pressure at her. On last date, it was for “framing of charges”. But the time we got to know what is happening, the CJM announced another date, nothing practical happened. I am not satisfied with advocates version, plz guide me.
It’s a private complaint. He says that PP will “frame the charges”? To the best of my little knowledge, its not a case of STATE vs Mrs X, so why PP? Advo says…
1.we will approach PP so that he does his work well for us this time (read bribe him).
2. The girl gang may have approached PP to delay the matter!
Plz tell.. what is the normal course of such a case? What is the best possible pressure point at this stage? I do not want to approach PP & bribe him, is there any way out so that our advo puts pressure on court itself to move effectively rather than giving another date this time? Or the PP is able to delay the matter?