Hi All, Marriage happened on 22.12.2012. My wife has filed 498a & DP 3&4 on 03.09.2013 on me. In FIR, my wife mentioned my name only. She mentioned in FIR, like 15 lakhs dowry and 150gms gold given to my husband in front of her relatives and my parents. I went to police station and release on regular bail.
In between elders and Police involved, They blackmailed me like I have taken 6 lakhs dowry at the time of marriage and same signatures taken from me by force on white paper and Rs.20 Bond paper,.
Due to the in-laws political fear and Police force, I have taken loan and deposited money through check 7.5 lakhs in Joint account, written on Rs.20 bond paper saying Father in laws money (Dowry) is Rs.6 lakhs and mine is 1.5 lakhs. Totally 7.5 lakhs deposited in joint account.
Now my wife is not filing divorce and nobody is responding.
1) I want to file criminal case on my in laws and whoever involved in this matter for forcing me to sign on agreement and depositing money in joint account? Please advise is this right time file case on them? If so what all cases I can file on them?
2) Please advise me how to collect money from joint account? I deposited money through check? Joint account holders (One of elder is our side and one of elder is their side)
3) If I file cases on them, again they will file any cases on me? Please advise.
Thanks for ur time.