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Criminal case on in laws-urgent

Hi All, Marriage happened on 22.12.2012. My wife has filed 498a & DP 3&4 on 03.09.2013 on me. In FIR, my wife mentioned my name only. She mentioned in FIR, like 15 lakhs dowry and 150gms gold given to my husband in front of her relatives and my parents. I went to police station and release on regular bail.

In between elders and Police involved, They blackmailed me like I have taken 6 lakhs dowry at the time of marriage and same signatures taken from me by force on white paper and Rs.20 Bond paper,.

Due to the in-laws political fear and Police force, I have taken loan and deposited money through check 7.5 lakhs in Joint account, written on Rs.20 bond paper saying Father in laws money (Dowry) is Rs.6 lakhs and mine is 1.5 lakhs. Totally 7.5 lakhs deposited in joint account.

Now my wife is not filing divorce and nobody is responding.

1)      I want to file criminal case on my in laws and whoever involved in this matter for forcing me to sign on agreement and depositing money in joint account? Please advise is this right time file case on them? If so what all cases I can file on them?

2)      Please advise me how to collect money from joint account? I deposited money through check? Joint account holders (One of elder is our side and one of elder is their side)

3)      If I file cases on them, again they will file any cases on me? Please advise.

Thanks for ur time.


 13 Replies


Hi All,Pls advise on above query.Thanks for quick response.

Advocate Ravinder (Advocate/Attorney)     05 February 2014

You have done a blunder mistake by depositing Rs.7.5 lakhs in the joint account. When cases are pending filed by your wife, you should have waited for some time, in the meanwhile, some mediation would have happened, then you should have deposited the amount into the court only and not anywhere in respect of one time settlement (permanent alimony). You can also enter into memorandum of understanding before the court framing rules and conditions between you and your wife that all the cases existing will be withdrawn and she will not file any fresh cases in future. Now you cannot file a criminal case, why you have not given a police complaint immediately the next day when they have obtained your signatures on the blank and bond papers. After a long gap if you give police complaint, there will not be any weight in the case. Now first decide what do you want, whether you want to live with her or you want divorce. After deciding the same, I can advise you what to do.


Hi,Thanks for quick advise.I want money back which I issued money through check because they are not filing for divorce and not taking case back. I have taken loan 8 lakhs loan and everymonth am paying EMI Rs.25,000 and my salary is 26,050.If I want to attened to hearings minmum travel charges is Rs.5, from andhra pradesh and working in banglore as accountant.

1.In 498A FIR ,my wife mentioned 15 lakhs dowry given and her father told 6 lakhs dowry given and  same signature taken from me on Rs.20 bond paper .like this way they are blackmailng us for money.

2.When we are in police station they written on paper and taken signatures from me and my parents on white paper.Due to the in-laws political fear and Police force I have taken loan and deposited money through check into joint account.

Please advise me how to take money back and come out from these mess up.Thanks for quick response.

gautam (not disclosed)     05 February 2014

damage has been done, you can file case and waste more money and time but i guess wont hold much weight in court.

nothing to offend you,but i think dowry was taken by you, else why would u sign the papers?

also the wife did not file case against your parents, that is a rare thing from women nowadays, if she wanted to take revenge, she would have involved your parents too


Hi, As I told,  Due to the in-laws political bankground, and Police force, I signed on bond paper.Please advise what to do now ? my wife is not filing for divorce and not taking case back and no body responding. Please advise.Thanks for ur time.

gautam (not disclosed)     06 February 2014

i don't think you can file any case to get your money back.

As you have paid by cheque, during divorce proceedings, whenever the alimony matter comes up for discussion, that time, you can claim that you have already paid her x lakhs and the court should consider the same


Ok, what about my 498a DP3 & 4 Case? She is not taking back.Please advise.


Ok, what about my 498a DP3 & 4 Case? She is not taking back.Please advise.Thanks for quick response.

Advocate Ravinder (Advocate/Attorney)     06 February 2014

When your wife is not willing to withdraw the cases, there is no option except to contest the case on merits. If you are innocent you will come out of the case. To realise the joint account amount, you have to file a seperate civil suit stating the true facts. The other option is to convince your wife and her supporters with the help of mediators to compromise the case by compensating some amount and withdraw the case. And also follow the advise of gautam.

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     06 February 2014

contest the case, you have fair chances of wining them.


Hi Thanks for quick advise. Ok, I will fight with case, no option now to me.(In 498A FIR ,my wife mentioned 15 lakhs dowry given and 150gms gold given and her father told 6 lakhs dowry and 80gms gold given like that told to the mediators and did signautures and he shown gold bills without VAT and Tax for 80 gms gold). I wll use TEP and RTI on in laws this would correct suit to them.

Joint account holders are My uncle and one of elder my wife's side. My uncle is the first person and second person is one of elder my wife's side.We have passbook and in that they mentioned -Operational instructions :Jointly - in Passbook.

To whom on I need to file civil suit? because other person will not come to withdraw the money,If we want to withdraw the money with my uncle presence. Please advise.

Thanks for quick response.

Advocate Ravinder (Advocate/Attorney)     07 February 2014

You have to file civil case against the other joint holder of the bank account. If he agrees to distribute the amount lying in the bank account, then there is no need to file civil case.

Balaji (Self)     08 February 2014

Suppose,If he given only his name in Passbook, how can we trace account holder number?Bank people will provide the address details of the joint account holder?

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