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Anupam Sharma (Server Engg.)     18 May 2013

Criminal proceedings possible ?

  Respected Sirs/Madams,


Your valued advice is requested under the following scenario:-


I was working with an MNC (IT Department) wherefrom I have tendered notice of resignation on 20th March 2013, since the IT manager besides being rude and dictatorial was not treating me at par with other employees. Other employees were granted leave whenever they desired whereas I was being refused even during my/parent’s/child’s sickness. I was compelled to work at odd hours, after duty hours and even on Sundays/rest days and other holidays, without any compensatory rest day or OT. At times I had worked continuously for 15 days without any rest day.


This was because I was the only one employee fully conversant with all the software and hardware being used in the organization. The other person fully conversant with the same was my IT manager, who was always eager to shift the workload on me.


The organization has neither accepted my resignation nor rejected it specifically. They have however handed me a demand letter dated 22nd March 2013 for Rs. 26,500/- towards not serving my notice period. They had demanded this amount after adjusting my salary for the month of March 2013 and my leave encashment. In fact they have ignored the dates specifically mentioned in my notice of resignation viz. i) Notice period: 21st March 2013 to 20th May 2013 i.e. 60 days. ii) Date of relieving: 20th May 2013.


It is most important to add here that the management had prevented me from serving my notice period. They did not allow me to resume my duty on 22nd March 2013 and compelled me to obtain clearance from all the departments.


Since the management’s actions were unreasonable and illegal, I had approached a labour union for assistance and the labour union has approached the labour inspector/commission for conciliation. The management is absenting itself from the proceedings.


I feel that the management is acting in retaliation as I have raised my voice against discrimination, rude and dictatorial behavior of the IT manager.


Under the circumstances please advise me:- 1) Can I initiate criminal proceedings against the organization because they have misappropriated my due salary and are also trying to extort another sum of Rs. 26,500/- by harassing, causing mental agony and blackmailing me by withholding my relieving letter, experience letter etc. and thus consequently preventing me from applying for new job elsewhere and thus ruining my career and my right to live life with dignity. 2) Under which section of IPC this complaint can be filed and in which court? 3) Would filing a criminal claim impact my proceedings in labour court? 4) Can proceedings be initiated against the management for any other criminal offence related to the facts of the case?


An early response shall be highly appreciated.


Thanking in anticipation.                 

 7 Replies

Kumar Doab (FIN)     18 May 2013


 You are in which state?

The HO/Redg. Office of the company is in which state?


You have mentioned that you were with IT dept. of the company.

The company itself is IT Company or it is Industrial Establishment or Commercial Establishment?


Labor/Service matters, Criminal law are two specialized fields and there would a few lawyers in a city practicing only in these specialized fields and they are well known.


You have already filed a compliant and demand notice has been issued.

You may show it to criminal lawyer also, and `facilitate interaction between your lawyers/counsels so that your lawyers synchronize.


You have posted that:


------- “IT manager besides being rude and dictatorial was not treating me at par with other employees. ‘


Did you ever submit any representation to superiors and do you have record?


-------“Other employees were granted leave whenever they desired whereas I was being refused even during my/parent’s/child’s sickness.’


Do you have copies of leave applications submitted by you and declinature issued by leave sanctioning authority?


Refusing leave for self/ parent’s/child’s sickness is bad conduct. The employee has a moral, social, legal responsibility to look after and maintain parent/family.


There has been a purpose to frame leave rules and laws.


--------“ I was compelled to work at odd hours, after duty hours and even on Sundays/rest days and other holidays, without any compensatory rest day or OT. At times I had worked continuously for 15 days without any rest day.”


The conduct of the line managers, HR is bad.


Have you ever submitted claim for OT and has the company ever communicated to you that you fall in the list of “excluded Employee” for OT?


Has the company compensated you for work on weekly off, holidays, national Holidays or has it ever decline to grant compensation, substituted holidays……?????

Did you ever demand compensation/substituted holidays?????

{You should claim and maintain that you approached superiors, HR in office, for the same.}


The employee should not be put to work at a stretch for more than 5 hours and weekly off should be given.


The line managers, HR have violated the acts, statue, laws ………….


Have you ever raised a complaint to management including appointing authority, MD, Chairman, Company Secretary, Head-HR  etc…………



-------“ dates specifically mentioned in my notice of resignation viz. i) Notice period: 21stMarch 2013 to 20th May 2013 i.e. 60 days. ii) Date of relieving: 20th May 2013.”


You have submitted notice of resignation with notice period and effective date of resignation/last day in office clearly stated in it.!!!!!!!


Supreme Court of India has decided in case of : Nand Keshwar Prasad vs Indian Farmers Fertilizers ...



“11. After giving our careful consideration to the facts and circumstances of the case, it appears to us that the law is well settled by this Court in a number of decisions that unless controlled by condition of service or the statutory provisions, the retirement mentioned in the letter of resignation must take effect from the date mentioned therein and such date cannot be advanced by accepting the resignation from an earlier date when the employee concerned did not intend to retire from such earlier date. It has also been held by this Court that it is open to the employee concerned to withdraw letter of resignation before the same becomes effective.”






-------“It is most important to add here that the management had prevented me from serving my notice period. They did not allow me to resume my duty on 22nd March 2013 and compelled me to obtain clearance from all the departments.”


How were you prevented and who prevented you on whose orders and did you ever submit a representation to this effect in writing?

Were you also made to sign on the copies of these clearances?


Do you have the copies of clearance from all depts. or you were prevented from keeping the copies and if yes by whom on whose orders?


The line managers/HR applied tactics with malalfide intentions to transfer the onus on employee later that collecting and submitting clearance from all dept. amounts to resignation with immediate effect.

{Here the offender personnel of the company may be charged by name]


Did company ever issue any communication to you stating that you have not been attending duties during notice period or you have absconded or you have abandoned?


You have stated that company has neither acknowledged/accepted resignation not has declined nor has issued any communication on the status of your employment…………


You should have escalated to good offices of your appointing authority, MD, Company secretary, Chairman and demanded that you should be allowed to examine your personnel file maintained by company at its BO/HO and should have sought an appointment. Now you may demand this file be put on record in court………….



“They have however handed me a demand letter dated 22ndMarch 2013 for Rs. 26,500/- towards not serving my notice period. They had demanded this amount after adjusting my salary for the month of March 2013 and my leave encashment.”


Have you submitted any reply to the demand letter, and you were prevented from performing your duties? Has the company stated your DOL in this demand letter?


You have initiated separation by proper notice of resignation and thus only you were to and you had properly chosen and communicated your effective date of resignation/last day in office as 20th May 2013.

If the company accepts your resignation before this date it has to pay you the wages till 20th May 2013 as per bilateral agreement signed by company with you.


At the same time you have the liberty to refuse and agitate on acceptance of resignation (which has not been supplied to you till date) before expiry of notice period issued by you.

Employee can withdraw the resignation before the expiry of notice period issued by you.



Has the company supplied original copy of FNF statement showing your actual DOL in it and the computation of all amounts and thus prove that how it has arrived at the figure of amount to be recovered from you???? Have you demanded FNF statement in original?



--------“ The management is absenting itself from the proceedings.


It does not go in favor of the company.



-------“preventing me from applying for new job elsewhere and thus ruining my career “


Have you applied elsewhere and has the company issued any adverse/negative feedback about you? Do you have copy of any communication issued by any job consultant/HR that due to negative reference check by your past employer (name etc) your candidature has been rejected?


Obtain evidence.


-------“Would filing a criminal claim impact my proceedings in labour court?”


Your consultant/service lawyer may confirm to you that the criminal complaints to be filed/ filed by you shall have no effect on case drafted/prepared by him.


The competent lawyer shall prepare case in a manner that later at any stage no defect based on law can be cited by company.


------“Can proceedings be initiated against the management for any other criminal offence related to the facts of the case?


Let your lawyer specializing finally comment on it after analyzing your docs, records, inputs………….



You may arrange the developments in order and approach a competent and experienced layer specializing in labor /service matters, criminal law and giver inputs in person………….Your lawyer can advice you on the merits and possibilities.



There are threads initiated by employees suggesting that employees filed criminal complaints under Sec 406, 420 and that unpaid wages can be claimed as debt on employer e.g:

Let your lawyer’s opinion be final on all points discussed in this thread, and you may proceed under expert advice of your lawyer.



Valuable advice of learned experts/members is sought.




Attached File : 933819338 nand keshwar prasad vs indian farmers fertilizers ... on 1 april, 1998(1).pdf, 933819338 nand keshwar prasad vs indian farmers fertilizers ... on 1 april, 1998(1).pdf downloaded: 215 times


The labour union is correct in initiating proceedings with the labour commissioner as they are competent who shall order the company to relieve you and pay your dues whatever are outstanding including gratuity if any. If they are harrassing you you can definately file a criminal case for harrasment. However it all depends on your evidence. You can move ahead to file a application under section 33 (c) 2 of ID Act as since your resignation may not be accepted but the severance of relationship is already accepted when the company is adjusted the amount of salary in other form.


Best of luck


Anupam Sharma (Server Engg.)     19 May 2013

Dear Mr. Kumar Doab,


Thanks for your prompt response and valued guidance. The clarifications sought by your goodself are answered below:-

You are in which state? = Delhi.


HO/Regd. Office of the organization = Delhi.


 Company itself is IT company or it is industrial establishment or Commercial Establishment = It’s a 5 star hotel.


Did you ever submit any representation to superiors and do you have record? = No record. Had reported the matter to HR once verbally but nothing was resolved except that I was made out to be the guilty party. “Stop complaining like a primary school student. If you wish to remain in service, fallow whatever instructions are given to you” was the reply.


Do you have copies of leave applications submitted by you and declination issued by leave sanctioning authority = Only of one instance is in possession wherein sick leave has been declined even after submitting medical certificate.


I was compelled to work at odd hours, after duty hours and even on Sundays/rest days and other holidays, without any compensatory rest day or OT. At times I had worked continuously for 15 days without any rest day. = can be proved from attendance record/punch in & punch out timings.


Have you ever submitted claim for OT and has the company ever communicated to you that you fall in the list of “excluded employee” for OT? = Had once asked for OT verbally and was advised that “The Indian laws are not enforceable on MNCs”.


Has the company compensated you for work on weekly off ……………………………………Have you ever raised a complaint to management including appointing authority, MD, Chairman, Company Secretary, Head HR etc. = Never compensated for work on off/rest/Sundays/holidays. OT never paid citing reason that “ Indian laws do not apply on MNCs”. My representations were always verbal and made to my IT manager.


How were you prevented and who prevented you on whose orders ………………….or you were prevented from keeping the copies and if yes by whom on whose order? = My IT manager handed me blank forms saying that they are relieving me with immediate effect and I being under the impression that they will fallow the law of the land and being unaware of the consequences, obtained clearance from all the departments. When I submitted the clearance with the HR department and they refused to give copies of the same and told me that they shall terminate me and spoil my career, then only I realized that my IT manager in connivance with the HR director has played some trick on me, and on the very same day I  informed the GM of the hotel on his official email ID and objected for being terminated since the same was by way of victimization, not in good faith, for patently false reasons and utter disregard of the principles of natural justice. This complaint was escalated upto the president of the organization but no response has ever been received.


Did company ever issue any communication to you stating that you have not been attending duties during notice period or you have absconded or you have abandoned? = No.


They have however handed me a demand letter dated 22nd March 2013 …………………….and you were prevented from performing your duties? Has the company stated your DOL in this demand letter? = Date of relieving is not specifically mentioned in the demand letter. The demand letter has an annexure under title ‘FINAL CLEARANCE’ wherein Probable Exit Date has been mentioned as 21st March 2013 (where as it was my 1st day of notice period which I had served). The said demand letter was rejected by me since A) It was not in line with the terms and conditions of the appointment letter which stated “Your employment can be terminated at any time by either party giving to the other 2 (Two) English calendar month’s notice in writing of its intension to do so without assigning any reason whatsoever or wages in lieu thereof”. B) I earnestly intended to serve my notice period and had also reported on duty on my first day of notice period. The clearance obtained from different departments was not obtained by me under my free will. And the same was obtained under instructions of my IT manager.


Preventing me from applying for a new job elsewhere and thus ruining my career………………………Do you have copy of any communication issued by any job consultant/HR that due to negative reference check by your past employer (name etc) your candidature has been rejected?  = I had applied with many organizations. Some of them had selected me for similar posts whereas one had even selected me for a higher post of Assistant Manager but refused to employ in the absence of relieving letter. Some rejected my candidature without assigning any reason even after negotiations on all issues. As such I suspected that they might have contacted my previous employer and must have got negative feedback. Hence I requested one of my friends to posse as a HR manager of a imaginary company and seek reference from my previous employer. The feedback provided was very bad. The HR director went to the extent of falsely stating that they have initiated legal proceedings against me. But there is no written proof. The person who had made the call on my request is also not willing in being a witness.


Under these circumstances I was searching for other options viz. 1) Criminal proceedings. 2) Withdrawal of resignation on 20th May 2013. (My last day of notice period) 3) posting on Facebook and linkdin the complete episode along with all correspondence/documents. Approaching ‘ZEE HELPLINE’. WHAT WOULD BE MORE APPROPRIATE, PLEASE ADVICE, AS, SUCH ACTION CAN GIVE ME A UPPER HAND DURING CONCIALATION/NEGOTIATIONS.


At this point I would request your goodself for your valued advice on:-


What shall be the fate of my resignation, if the same is not accepted by 20th May 2013? (My last day of the notice period) Would it become null and void/ineffective or would it remain void/effective.


Thanks and Regards.  

Kumar Doab (FIN)     19 May 2013



On line discussions have its own limitations.

Approach your lawyer in person with all documents and record and spend quality time with your lawyer, before you act further. Let your lawyer’s opinion be final on all points discussed in this thread.


You can access lawyers par excellence in Delhi.


It is vaguely remembered another employee from a 5 Star Hotel had initiated very similar thread and filed a case.


You have posted that:


-----“The Indian laws are not enforceable on MNCs”.


The person who has made this comment is sick and wicked mind and has no respect for the law. He/she should be booked and he/she should affirm that law of the land is applicable to him/her, his employer/company.



The company which has registered in India has to abide by the laws of the land. The Hotel might have registered under factory Act and The IT Dept. of the Hotel must have been registered under Shops and Commercial Establishments Act of Delhi which is so employee friendly that it shall cover all points raised by you. This enactment is applicable to all employees as per def. of employee in this Act and does not indiscriminate between workman and non workman. You may go thru it carefully and relate.


The company owning might be under the purview of IESO Act and Hotel might have its certified standing orders and if standing orders are not certified Model Standing Orders shall apply.


The registration certificate is to be displayed near entrance/notice board.


2. Definitions: 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 28, 30…..

COMMENTS : Sub-section 13—”Holiday” :……………………” The introduction of paid holidays

for workers, both in law, and in practice, is based on the one hand on the ‘employees’ right to leisure and to the opportunity of developing his personality and, on the other, on the necessity  of preserving or restoring his health and  strength in the interests of production and  service to be rendered. Holidays with pay, if they are properly utilized, may provide a real and complete escape from the ideal means of relaxation and afford abundant opportunity of gaining material and social experience under different conditions…………. Employees return to their jobs with fresh enthusiasm and renewed reserves of strength after spending their  holidays  under  suitably  restful  conditions……………………. The  quicker  industrial  rhythm  and  the  monotony  of  the  work  caused  by  modern mechanization render it essential to grant regular rest  periods if workers are not to succumb to physical overstrain and to the weakening of their morale and if their health and working capacity are to be preserved.”



Sub-section (14)—“working hours”:

The phrase “working hours” or “hours of work” as defined in this sub-section means the time during which the persons employed are at the disposal of the employer exclusive of any interval for rest and meals………………….. excluding of course the time allowed for rest and meals.”


3.  Rights  and  privileges  under  other  law,  etc.,  not  affected:…………………….. if such rights or privileges are more favourable to him than those to which he would be entitled under this Act.”


5. Registration of Establishments.


8. Employment of adults, hours of work::………. No adult shall be employed or allowed to work about the business of an establishment for more than nine hours on any day or 48 hours in any week and the occupier shall fix the daily periods of work accordingly.


Provided further that advance intimation of at least three days in this respect has been given in the prescribed manner to the Chief Inspector and that any person employed on overtime shall be entitled to remuneration for such overtime work at twice the rate of his normal remuneration calculated by the hour.

Explanation.—For  the  purpose  of  calculating  the  normal  hourly  wage  the  day  shall  be reckoned as consisting of eight hours.


(a) Mode for calculation of overtime wages


11. Spread over.—The periods of work on any day of an adult person shall be so arranged

that inclusive of his interval for rest or meals as required under section 10, they shall not spread over for more than ten and a half hours in any commercial establishment…..


16.  Close  day.—(1)  Every  shop  and  commercial  establishment  shall  remain  closed  on  a close day.

(2) In addition to the close day every shop and commercial establishment shall remain closed on three of the National holidays each year as the Government may by notification in the Official Gazette specify.


17. Period of rest (weekly holiday):


19. Time and conditions for payment of wages.:………. (5) Where the employment of any person is terminated by or on behalf   of the employer, the wages earned by him shall be paid before the expiry of the second working day after the day on which his employment is terminated.


21.  Claims  relating  to  wages:…………2……….. Provided that every  such application should be presented within one year from the date the claim for such wages has become payable under this Act:


(7) Every authority appointed under sub-section (1) shall have all powers of a civil court under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (5 of 1908) ……………and  Chapter

XXXV of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 (5 of 1898).



Jurisdiction of the Authority

If  an  employee  works  for  extra  hours  voluntarily  and  without  any  direction  by  the

management, the claim for overtime will not be admissible;


22. Leave.


24.  Contracting  Out………



A  workman  will  not  be  legally  bound  by  the contents of the receipt for full and final settlement executed by him if he is waiving any legal dues;


30. Notice of Dismissal.—(1) No employer shall dispense with the services of an employee who has been in his continuous employment for not less than three months, without giving such person at least one month’s notice in writing or wages in lieu of such notice:

(3) In any case instituted for a contravention of the provision of sub-section (1), if a Magistrate is satisfied that an employee had been dismissed  without any reasonable cause or discharged without proper notice or pay in lieu of notice…………..



(a) Applicability of section 30

The protection of the provisions of the section is available to all persons who fall within the definition of the term “employee” as given in section 2(7) of the Act and who have put in three months’ continuous services.  In the absence of any standing orders or any contract between the employer  and  the  contesting  respondent  containing  any  particular  terms  or  conditions,  the conditions of service of the employee relating to his employment in an establishment at Delhi are covered by section 30(1) of Delhi Shops and Establishments Act, 1954;


(b) Notice or wages in lieu thereof under section 30—When to be given?


It  may  also  be  pointed  out  that  if  the  employer  has  preferred  to  dismiss  or  discharge  an Employee…………………………………. it

is incumbent upon him to hold an enquiry  and then to find the employee guilty of any of the acts of misconduct…………..


(d)  Section  30  of  the  Delhi  Shops  and  Establishments  Act,  1954  does  not  exclude  the application of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947


33.  Records……………. (2)  The  occupier  of  any  shop  or  establishment,  about  the  business  of  which  persons  are employed, shall in the prescribed form and in the prescribed manner keep a record of the hours worked and the amount of leave taken by,


(4)  The  occupier  of  every  shop  or  establishment  shall for  the  purpose  of this  Act maintain such other records and registers and display such other notices as may be prescribed.



(a) Particulars and forms of the records required to be maintained under section 33

Failure to maintain the records in the prescribed form and in the prescribed manner, i.e.,  not keeping exhibited a notice setting-forth the close day or a record of the hours  worked and the amount  of  leave  taken  by  end  of  the  intervals  allowed  for  rest  and  meals  or  not  entering  the particulars of all employment overtime, amounts to contravention of the provisions of section 33 of the Act and the proprietor, employer or the manager of such an establishment is liable to be punished……………


The register of employment and  wages is required to be kept in Form ‘G’ duly bound and pages serially numbered. Where, however, the opening and closing hours are ordinarily uniform, the employer may maintain such register in Form ‘H’ alongwith a separate register of wages and record of leave in Form ‘I’ but the entries relating to a particular date on which an employee if called  upon  earlier  or  detained  later  than  the  usual  working  hours  are  required  to  be  made immediately in the remarks column of Form ‘H’ before such early or late working commences…………..


(d)  Can  an  Inspector  require  an  employer  to  produce  the  record  in  his  office  for



35.  Inspection  of  Registers  and  calling  for  information.


37. Powers and duties of the Inspector


(a) Powers of the Inspector

(b) Duties of the Inspector:………….. (i)  that in dispensing with the services of an employee the provision of the Act and Rules have  been  complied  with  and  no  dues  payable  under  the  Act  or  Rules  have  been withheld;

41. Wilfully  making false entries.


43. Determination of employer for the purpose of this Act



------“ obtained clearance from all the departments”


An employee who is under notice by resignation/termination can be asked to obtain clearance from all dept on any day during the period of notice.

Obtaining clearance does not imply that employee has preponed his date of resignation.

Or employer has got the right to discharge before the date of resignation/retirement given by employee. The Supreme Court of India Judgment has already been quoted in this thread.

Employee can withdraw notice of resignation any time before the expiry of notice period.


-------“ My IT manager handed me blank forms saying that they are relieving me with immediate effect’


This IT manager or HR are not authority until or unless they are empowered by Board of the company in writing to appoint or terminate or relive any employee.



------“ I  informed the GM of the hotel on his official email ID and objected for being terminated”


If the service of any employee are terminated then order of termination should be supplied to employee.


It is almost sure that this GM has not neither acknowledged nor replied to your email.

So can’t you claim that you were prevented from attending office and perform your duty till your date of retirement?

 If company has terminated verbal order of termination then as per bilateral agreement signed with you it has to tender notice pay.


------“ The demand letter has an annexure under title ‘FINAL CLEARANCE’ wherein Probable Exit Date “



What is this probable date of exit?

Whatever it is it is issued by the employer…………………..







Attached File : 73894369 delhi shops & establishments act, 1954.pdf downloaded: 138 times

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     23 May 2013

well elaborated

PBS KUMAR (HR - PROFESSIONAL)     07 August 2013

Dear All,


The attachments are not able to down load please post it again OR send to my mail Id



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