Dear Harish, Smothering is not sufficient to give a detailes pattern of questions. How ever I will give you soem general questions.
How many years standing experience you have?
How many autopsy's you have conducted?
At what time you first saw the bod?
At what time you got information that the said dead body was broyght to the mortury for autopsy?
Who told you?
Have you seen any pictures of the body from where it was taken?
Have you got any idea about the scene of accuarance?
Have you veryfied the papers of the inquest?
Have you convinced the cause of death of the man/women after reading the inqust report?
Any possiblity of the causes of death is stated in the inquest?
Have you discused the matter with Investigating officer before the postmortem process?
What you did at the autopsy table first?
Who helped you?
What is there names?
Is any police personnals present in the autopsy room while the process goes on?
Who did the actual examination?
Didi you weighed the body?
Is there a balnce in the autospy room?
What was the weight before and afetr the autopsy?
Any injuries noted?
What is the osiision of the tongue?
What is the position of the lunges, throat, teeth, lips etc?
How yopu arrived at the conclusion? On the basis what authority?
NB: If you send the facts more quetions can be framed. Before you enter the court hall read the Modi on autopsy and Sothering death. Keep it mind that the expert is a real expert. So ask all level questions if it helps you directly and indirectoly? The scene may be a slushy area. But the inquest is not containing any slush on the body and the body in the Autopsy room also is free from slush then piut such questions to bring the fact that the bosy is planted there in the scene. GOOD LUCK
Adv.KC Suresh