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Crpc 125 after RCR mediation failure

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Agree with Adv Martin Suji.  Looking for alternatives for not paying alimony or reducing it, you will only show to the whole world how cheap you are.  Your wife is cheap and so are you.  Perfect couple.


You either pay alimony to wife or go to jail.  Only two options for you.


@ Ambycabin

most of the lawyears want the men must pay alimony so that they can ean money, this is the reason 80% lawyear make you in feer about jail,  If you have enough proves against your wife lot of lawers will tell you that will not help you as well as they will destroy your evidences, 125 sec 4 wil inform you about not paying of alimony which cases, seach in google,  search in google about 340 perjury,  but you need to find a real lawer,


Sachin (N.A)     24 May 2017

Originally posted by : ARNAB MUKHERJEE
@ Ambycabin

most of the lawyears want the men must pay alimony so that they can ean money, this is the reason 80% lawyear make you in feer about jail,  If you have enough proves against your wife lot of lawers will tell you that will not help you as well as they will destroy your evidences, 125 sec 4 wil inform you about not paying of alimony which cases, seach in google,  search in google about 340 perjury,  but you need to find a real lawer,



There are many points on the basis which permanant manintenace can be denied.

But here quriest is asking about " interim" maintenance.


Originally posted by : Sachin
There are many points on the basis which permanant manintenace can be denied.

But here quriest is asking about " interim" maintenance.

Just make a proposal in court "" wife is unable to maintain herself  so she should stay in women hostel husband will pay the hostel charge, during the 125 crpc case, if wife has real need she will not deny to go hostel, if she do not want to stay women hostel you can make the  point  in court,

whatnot   25 May 2017

Intriem is unaviodable. More often than not lower court just uses common template and passes order on 'Intriem', irrespective of strength of your arguments.


Your focus should be to reduce 'intriem' as much as possible to barest minimum.

Disclose a complete run down of expenses, make sure lower salary bracket, loan..blah..

And then prove her capabilities irrespective of working or not. Take pictures of her parents home...Get a minimum pay order.. Then delay that payment months together..Until for every payment she has to run back to court..


DV is purely arm twisting tactic to bring you for MCD with alimony.


Fight on merits.. Time spent is money saved (excluding legal expenses)


Originally posted by : Ambycabin
Hi Experts,
I had filed RCR in March 2016 which ran for 9 dates and got failed in Feb 2017.
She have filed 498A in March 2017. Als DV and 125 case in April 2017

Can 125 be dismissed on any ground (Dessertion period before filing of DV and 125 is 2 years)

Any judgements in this regard?
Any way to deny avoid or get minimal maintenance in 125?
Will RCR help to combat Negligiance point as per CRPC 125 defination?


Attached File : 383293 20170525194432 717560281 judgement to dismiss 125 crpc petition based on desertion.docx downloaded: 86 times

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