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Dineshkumar BH (Partner)     29 October 2016

Crpc sec 200

Dear Advocates

My name is Dineshkumar BH from Bangalore.  In 2014 I filled case in consumer court against mobile company. Who sold defective product and deficiency of service. We have sent 6 times notices, Till end Oct 2015 they did not attend the case.

Finally consumer court ordered they have to pay product cost and interest for 12% Per annum and cost 2000. Same sent to opposite parties. Again they did not answered to court. After that court sent notices 2 times they did not responded. Meanwhile they were communicating with me out of court settlement. I also agreed. 

Now court insists me to take further step. Means I have to file under sec 200 criminal procedure written statement. Then they sent to police station for arrest. I don’t know how to do it. Can any help if any draft

 2 Replies

Suri.Sravan Kumar (senior)     29 October 2016

since both of you agreed for outside court settlement pl goahead with the settlement to avoid wastage of time and energy.

Dineshkumar BH (Partner)     30 October 2016

Dear sir Thanks for reply and spending your valuable time for answering. But past 6 months they have not contacted me. Since 6 months court tells not answering the court and attending court. For that court suggested me to file a criminal case to arrest them. If you have format please share me Thanks and Regards Dineshkumar.BH

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