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Parthasarathi Loganathan (Advocate)     02 November 2011

Cyber crimes in bank - a survey


Please visit the link provided below and fill up a Survey form shared by a gentleman who has put up more than three decades in Banking operations.


His details are furnished below:


V Rajendran

Advocate and Cyber Law Consultant

Senior Vice President, Cyber Society of India

044-22473849;     9444073849


The survey may take just a few minutes.  Kindly do participate in the survey and submit your views. I am sure, you must be having some kind of complaint or grievances on their internet banking account or an ATM transaction.  The survey is purely for academic purpose and any information will be used only for the purpose of analysis and for no other monetary gains. 


You may tell the participants that as a practicing advocate and consultant on cyber crimes I on my part will be glad to provide legal counsel and any clarification on matters pertaining to cyber laws, cyber crime in banks, compliance procedures etc.  


Please circulate this mail to your contacts and get me responses from a few people who may have had some kind of problem or a complaint with or without loss of money, or a complaint or a grievance either solved or yet to be solved.  Please also visit his when you find time and quote my name for reference.


I am sure that you would share all your valuable feedback to this Survey by one of the senior most professionals in the industry.


Regards and best wishes


Parthasarathi Loganathan

 2 Replies

Mr. Hitendra Shah (self)     03 November 2011

Respected Sir,

kindly read details in the file attached.


Hiten Shah

Mr. Hitendra Shah (self)     03 November 2011


Respected Sir,


kindly read details in the file attached.




Hiten Shah

Attached File : 139181 221214 27 hhs icici nsdl.doc downloaded: 196 times

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