Unless you pay some consideration to the doctor you are seeking advice of, he/she is not liable in any matter relating to his/her advice.
If you pay and get wrong advice for which you bear any kind of loss/damage,you may go to consumer forum in your jurisdiction.
In online forums, either the consultant or the website company may be liable,but depends upon the terms and conditions of those parties i.e. the doctor or the website or both mutual agreements.
In case of disclaimer made by the website or the doctor or as the case may be,and you paid for the service too,whether the doctor advice was wrong or right and ,whether he/she liable to pay for the loss or damage you incurred due to that suggestion or advice, is a matter of question to establish the fact and cannot be determined in advance.Act done in good faith is not liable to become a punishable offence.
I have given sufficient explanation in my view.........
Note-This reply should be taken as per the declaration given in my profile page.
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