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Hemant Agarwal ( Mumbai : 9820174108)     16 May 2010

D.V.Act Can Be Used By Men Against Women: Govt

This was reported in  "Times of India,  dated 16 May'2010, Mumbai edition, page 11".
(read article, as reproduced below)


D.V.Act Can Be Used By Men Against Women: Govt


Domestic violence act not gender-specific

New Delhi: The UPA government says the Domestic Violence Act enacted with a view to protect women can also be used to prosecute women.


   Backing the recent decision of some courts in Delhi to invoke the civil law against women, a women and child development ministry’s affidavit in the Delhi high court says that “the main purpose of the act is to protect women from domestic violence but not solely protect them from males... right of the victim against domestic violence can’t be guided by the gender of the perpetrator.’’


   The Centre’s stand came in response to a petition by a widow questioning the invocation of the act against women by a few courts in the capital. Varsha Kapoor through her lawyer Arvind Jain had urged the court to strike down a section in the act that allowed courts to sanction prosecution of women.


   Justifying the stand of the government, the affidavit said, “The main purpose of society and lawmaker is to provide certain protection to women so that they can live with honour... the legislature never wanted to exempt women from prosecution... if any crime is committed by any woman in that case, she is liable to be prosecuted irrespective of the gender.’’


   In her petition, Kapoor, who has been booked under the Domestic Violence Act on the complaint filed by her estranged daughter-in-law, has also challenged a lower court’s order against her.


   “The DV Act is a benevolent piece of legislation aimed to provide effective protection of rights of women under the Constitution who are victims of violence of any kind within the family,’’ the petition argued, pointing out that such a law can’t be allowed to be misused against women. Saying the provision has generated a lot of confusion due to the conflicting verdicts of several high courts, Jain argued that the high court needs to clarify the law so that the same can be applied by lower courts in the capital. “The above stated conflicting, confusing, absurd and unconstitutional provisions have created such a mess and chaos that interests of justice/ends of justice are not available to the petitioner to rescue her basic dignity and honour,’’ the petition said. The high court will now consider the petition when it comes up for hearing later this month.

 22 Replies

N.K.Assumi (Advocate)     16 May 2010

Thank you Hemant, for the information.

Guest (Guest)     16 May 2010

I totally agree with the view point of the Govt. of India.  Having said so, I mention that the Government is a litigant like you and me and is not empowered to adjudicate the statute passed by the Parliament and the ultimate power lies in the court of law to pronounce what is right and what is wrong.

Legal Fighter (Advocate)     16 May 2010

My interpretation to the said news is different as it says that the main purpose of the act is to provide certain protection to the women. So the correct interpretation of the affidavit is that the women are not exempted under the DV Act but it certainly doesn't mean that DV can be used by men against women. It says that DV act can be used by women against women. Till now it was interpretated by the courts that women can't be respondent in DV Act. Moreover the bombay HC has gone saying that when DV is filed by daughter-in-law, women can be respondents but when it is filed by mother-in-law, women can't be respondent. Though this interpretation is violative of Article 14 and 15 of constitution of india.

Kindly correct me if my interpretation is wrong.

Dalip Kumar Chhabra (Advocate)     16 May 2010

Certainly, the law does not differentiate the gender - it speaks only of the justice oriented approach in truely and correctly interpretting the statute. But it is seen that the statute is taken in the way, it is named -like Domestic violance Act- apprantely giving view to the people and law interpretters that it works only for the women and not against the women. Thanks for posting this view .


cant a MIL use it against her DIL?

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     16 May 2010

mr. legal fighter,

you are absolutely right.

your's interpretion is perfect .

mr hemant thanks for the information.

F L SHAIKH (JOBLESS)     17 May 2010

can a husband file dv against wife

Victim_Kol (Middle Executive)     17 May 2010

The report doesnot say that it can be used by men too. Till date we knew that women cannot be prosecuted through DV act. But this report I think clarifies that it can be done.
So according to me it is an alarm for the women members of the family, that if a "Bahu" makes a complaint in their name under DV act, they will have to bear the pain too.

G. ARAVINTHAN (Legal Consultant / Solicitor)     18 May 2010

Any Mother in Law can use against her Daughter in Law provided both must be in same dwelling house

Arun Kumar (Professional)     18 May 2010

The next  hearing in this case is today 18th May 2010. Any updates on this. if any please post imm.

Victim_Kol (Middle Executive)     18 May 2010

Originally posted by :Aravinthan S/o Ganesan
Any Mother in Law can use against her Daughter in Law provided both must be in same dwelling house


But in Indian courts how much will it be effective to do so ? Because we do have a common beleive that "Its only the Daughter-in-laws" who are the victims.

Hemant Agarwal ( Mumbai : 9820174108)     19 May 2010

1.  The clarifications by the Central Govt., is filed on the directions of the Delhi HC.


2.  Clarifications is filed via a Govt. Affadavit,  NOW WHICH CANNOT BE RETRACTED BACK,  else it will be Contempt of Court.


3.  If the Govt. Affadavit, is retracted, then the govt. loses credibility  and IN ALL PROABILITY,  ON A APPROPRIATE PETITION,  THE d.v.act CAN BE TOTALLY REPEALED.OR SCRAPPED.


BY the above logic,  the Govt. Affadavit CANNOT be retracted.



4.  THIS IS WHAT THE Govt. Affadavits state :

"... right of the victim against domestic violence can’t be guided by the gender of the perpetrator ..."


5.  With propoper application of mind,  one can conclude that  "the victim"  is not dependant on the "gender" (i.e.  male or female).    Here the victim can even me a "male"  and not necessarily a Husband,  BUT  it could also be a Son, Daughter, Father-in-Law or for that matter anybody.



6.  IT could be improper to hallucinate that  "INDIAN WOMEN BEING SATI-SAVITRI's"  cannot commit crimes.  ON the contrary, history is evident that Crime factor gets propogated by females, when in comparision to Male ratios.   (Contradictions and agruments invited, with proper supporting references)



7.  In law,  there is no place for  "Emotions and Sentiments".  All the relations-names etc.... can take a back-seat, for philosphical purposes


A male can make a complaint against a Women (who-so-ever) or what-so-ever relation-name be given to a female.


Keep Smiling .... Hemant Agarwal

Arun Kumar (Professional)     19 May 2010

Seeing the above post


A male can make a complaint against a Women (who-so-ever) or what-so-ever relation-name be given to a female.


Whether the govt has to pass a bill and an amendment act has to be published ?


If it's so what is the time frame, now the male has to wait for the final decision for filling a DV against woman.

Guest (Guest)     19 May 2010

Mr. Hemant Agarwal and some other friends,

Without over enthusiasm try to understand things in proper perspective.  In your first post  you displayed in bold letters:

D.V.Act Can Be Used By Men Against Women: Govt

while going through the Government affidavit, nothing such an inference can be drawn.  No where Government said that  an applicant under Domestic Violence Act can be a male person. 

Further, the act itself defines the aggrieved person as female.  Hence, necessarily the applicant is a female.  A husband, husband's brother, husband's father etc. cannot utilize the DV Act as applicants.  Neither is it the intention of the petitioner, who filed the case before the Delhi high Court.  The writ petition is available on this web site for your ready reference.  The question in this writ petition is that whether the respondent (perpetrator of crime) can be a female or not.  The question has already been settled by a single judge of Delhi High Court saying yes.  Bombay. High Court also said yes.  But A.P. High Court said no.  Kerala High Court (Rema Devi Vs. State of Kerala) said yes.  M.P. High Court said no (Ajay Kant Vs. Alka Sharma).   Now the matter is before divison bench of the High Court.  The Government's affidavit is nothing new and is in accordance with the statement passed by the Govt. while placing the bill before the Parliament.

Whether the Act can be reepealed or not does not depend upon the affidavit of the Government, who is also a litigant. Even the courts have never used their powers to strike down the entire Act.  Some times, in some statututes, some provisions, which go against the constitutional provisions would be struck down by the courts (ultra vires).  Hence, please do not bring wrong inferences with over enthusiasm.


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