Resp.Penal of expert
How and where can I get a justice in India ?
I am now 74 years past 40 years I am living in foreign country and a citizen of that country. Retired with single person social security pension.
For companionship in my matured age I married a Indian lady in Oct.2001 in foreign country and marriage registered in that country. She lived with me for few months in that country, then insisted to have a home in India whenever we visit India.So With my retirement saving I purchaged a apartment in March 2002, she made me to include her name in purchage deed.( I have proof of Payments). She visited me few times until 2004 ( proof of Aust.Govt.Letter)Earlia she was in a rental room.
Since 2004 we have no cohabitation.I stay in same flat in separate room without sharing any thing.I eat outside whenever I am in India. Most of the time I am out of India.
She filed 498A in Jan 2009 .I filed for divorce in my Country where we were married. On 4th feb 2009 she received notice from federal court of that country on 20th Feb. 2009 .After that date she filed Domestic Violence on 4th March 2009. Her proof are few N.C complaints in Police stations( I can prove I was not even in India in few N.Cs allegations) My divorce decree passed on April 2009 ex-party.I produced Divorce certificate to the court.
Then she filed for divorce in India stating that she married as per Hindu rites.Which is false.
.Metro Magistrate did not consider those proffs passed Interim order on 11.11.20010 to pay her Rs.10000/- per month. Session court copied the same order and asked to deposit 30000/-I did .
In High court after so many dates Judge ordered to deposit Rs.50000/- on Oct.2011 .I did deposit. She has withdrawn all amounts.
Again after so many dates my matter come up.same judge ordered to deposit Rs. 85 000/- Arrears.before 10th sept. I can't deposit that amount.
Todate no evidence is recorded she does not attend the metro court. I have no chance to prove false allegations. I have all proffs. I have no domestic relation since 2004. My proffs have no value but her false petition is accepted.
I have produced her Bank statement of 2011, in 9 months she has deposited 9 lakhs.She is working and earning. I am retired and not earning.
My humble request to the panal is what I should do next? Can I go to Suprem Court?
Please advice.