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venkateswararao (welfare officer)     18 June 2010

Date of Birth confirmation/correction



Our employee approached me regarding his date of birth correction.


 Facts of the Question:


 As per his school records, D O B is 14-06-1975.  But according hisCertificate of "Births and Deaths Register Office"  (recently got the certificate from government authorities) is 09-07-1976 (actual DOB).


At the time of is school admission, due to ignorance of his parents, they told that his D.O.B. 14-06-1975  instead of 09-07-1976. 


Now he wish to change (correct) his date of birth on his service records to get more service in our organisation. 


Is there any chance to correct his Date of Birth?  If yes, please advice the procedure / channel and

can his employor change (correct) his date of birth?





 6 Replies

Adv. G. A. Gagdani (ADVOCATE AND LEGAL CONSULTANT)     18 June 2010

as he has got recent certificate on the basis of the certificate you can change the same in the records.

and also take one declaration that it was mis-stated earlier accordingly.

as he has got now recent certificate he must have got it through the court process if yes, then no need to worry, simply on the basis of recent certificate, you can change the same in your records 

venkateswararao (welfare officer)     19 June 2010

hi Mr. Gulammayudin A.,

Thanks for the replay for the post.  our employee willing to approach the court.  hence can u suggest how to approach the court / any Tribunal i.e. chanal, procudure, jurisdiction, fee ect.,.

he is now in West godavari District, Andhra Pradesh.

Please suggest him.



Adv. G. A. Gagdani (ADVOCATE AND LEGAL CONSULTANT)     19 June 2010

well just provide two inputs currently.

he has got recently birth certificate is through normal process, i.e. have visited bmc and got that certificte.


have filed court case.


go to the local lawyer, tell him whether gazatte possible, (i suppose gazatte dont change date),

to file a court case for declaration of date of birth, as per birth certificate, and it was mis-printed or mis-stated as local advocate advice on leaving certificate and therefore date of birth to be considered as original which is required and not that of leaving certificate.


venkateswararao (welfare officer)     19 June 2010

Again thank u for the reply,

yes, he has got the birth certificate through normal process.  Then produced the same in our company to correct the date of birth.


But our employer has not accecpted the certificate.


Hence he wish to aproach the court / tribunal.  If any Gazatte please advice.



Adv. G. A. Gagdani (ADVOCATE AND LEGAL CONSULTANT)     19 June 2010

to file a court case for declaration of date of birth, as per birth certificate, and it was by mistake on leaving certificate the wrong birth date and therefore date of birth to be considered as original which is required and not that of leaving certificate

contact local advocate and tell him to file a case of declaration for nullity of date of birth as per leaving certificate and to be considered as per date of birth certificate.

Isaac Gabriel (Advocate)     21 August 2010

Scores of problem in date of birth have been solved by the courrts.The enclosed insructions may be useful to take adecision

Attached File : 0 0 alter date of birth.doc downloaded: 474 times

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