Thanks Roshni & Prinncess,
I met their daughter and discussed the problem, immediately after the problem has been brought to me. She wants to help her parents financially and also serve them personally without spoiling her relationship with her husband. Even though she is earning 1.10 lakhs per month, she does not have financial independence. She has to give one lakh every month to her husband, who keeps it in his account. She will keep ten thousand for her car's fuel bills, lunch expenses for 10 days when she works in morning shifts and cannot take lunch from home. If any other need arises, for purchasing dresses etc. she can explain the reason and get that amount from husband. She does not have access or liberty to her whole earnings, so she cannot follow your suggestion of giving 50 to 75 thousand every month to her parents and she cannot spare even three thousand at present. If she can give only 15 to 20 thousand every month she will be happy and her parents can adjust with that amount, but that is not happening due to greedy, rigid, callous and traditional husband. The bahanas, which you suggested, will not cook properly before her husband, who is suspicious that she is helping her parents.
She put alternative suggestion before her husband that she will take a proper separate house in the same lane where her parents are residing and she will incur all the expenses of the family, means her husband and two children, including rent of the house, maintenance and food bills etc. and the husband can keep all his earnings in his account and she will not touch them. She requested him to allow her to give 15 to 20 thousand every month, forget about 50 to 75 thousand you suggested, to her parents and help them for half an hour in the morning and half an hour in the evening in their daily chores. He turned down this proposal outrightly, with a threat that he will give divorce, if she suggests the same thing again.
You put a question - The matter is between her and her parents, then how husband can threaten her with divorce? Yes, madam that is possible. If she goes against his wish, he will file a divorce petition putting allegations that she is adulterous, and/or cruel to him and his family members, does not discharge the family responsibilities, treats in laws disrespectfully and cruelly, not give s*xual satisfaction to husband, threatens to commit suicide and incriminate all the family members, threaten to file false 498-A cases and domestic violence cases. We see all these types of pleadings in husbands' petitions who file divorce petitions. Divorce will be granted or not is a different question. He may not succeed to get divorce decree. But once after filing of divorce petition, there will be no looking back. Matrimonial harmony will spoil. That she does not want and she also does not want that her dear parents die dogs' death. What can we do?
Roshni correctly diagnised the disease, which is called "hypocracy". If a man raised a question, most of the experts shouted it is nothing but threat and blackmail by the greedy wife and she shall be taught lesson. When similar problem is raised by the woman, every such expert maintained absolute silence and proved what Roshni has said.
In a way, I have to say my thanks to you. After your response, I deeply thought whether the actions of the husband of the daughter amount to cruelty as defined in Section 498-A or not.
I have not suggested and not intended to suggest to the daughter to file Section 498-A against the husband.
But I came to a definite conclusion that husband's actions are cruelties under Section 498-A and he is liable to be prosecuted and convicted for that offence, if he accepts that he is taking one lakh of his wife's earnings every month and depositing it in his account (the bank record is documentary evidence) and restraining her to help her aged and diseased parents financially and personally and also refusing her to discharge her statutory responsibility laid down by the Senior Citizen's Act, which creates a liability on her to maintain her old parents. Why should she take divorce from her husband to help her aged and diseased parents, as suggested by you? In which law it is written that a married woman, who is a single daughter shall not help her old and diseased parents? On the other hand, in Senior Citizen's Act it is written that she has to maintain them. In which law, it is written that a woman, who is a single daughter helps her old and diseased parents, she is liable to get a divorce from her husband? YOU REALLY STINKS FROM AHMEDABAD TO AMERICA.
What I want to say is that if the daughter files Section 498-A case, it is not a fake case and it is a genuine case and the husband is liable to be put behind the bars. But that is upto the daughter to live with such callous, cunning and greedy husband or file Section 498-A case and get herself liberated by pushing him behind the bars.
Note: Neither the parents nor daughter want for divorce or filing Section 498-A case. The parents want peaceful and painless death and the daughter wants to serve them in their final days without getting any mmatrimonial problem for herself.