In a warrant trial, the accused dies before the charges have been framed. Yes, the case abates against the accused. But, under what provision of law?
Vishwa Bhushan Arya (Service) 12 December 2011
In a warrant trial, the accused dies before the charges have been framed. Yes, the case abates against the accused. But, under what provision of law?
Nadeem Qureshi (Advocate/ 12 December 2011
Death of accused during trial - Proceedings will abate - Legal heirs cannot be prosecuted. (Sham LalVs Raj Kumar Aggarwal) 2002(2) CIVIL COURT CASES 370 (P&H) : 2002(2) CRIMINAL COURT CASES 505 (P&H) : 2002 (2) ISJ (BANKING) 0083
bhagwant (lawyer) 12 December 2011
N.K.Assumi (Advocate) 12 December 2011
His case should be given a decent burial in his grave yard.
Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA) 12 December 2011
lol Mr. Assumi.
Shonee Kapoor