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Abhinav   27 March 2018

Defamation Case

I have been trying to get in touch with the police for the sake of case. There isn't any help at all. A gal has created false accusations and complained In a police station for FIR. Since it turned out to be a false statement the file was closed and now the lady is degrading the character by spekainh out false statements again in the public . I have enough proofs for it. Can someone look into this ?


 3 Replies

Vijay Raj Mahajan (Advocate)     27 March 2018

Yes the proof you got can be checked and advised if you have good case against her for defamation both in civil as well criminal courts. In case you want to discuss it with me contact me for pre-paid legal consultancy. 

KISHAN DUTT KALASKAR (Advocate)     30 March 2018

Dear Sir/Madam,

Since your case is complicated case as such I require documents and same may be send to my email/PM (personal mail) for detailed legal advise.


With regards,

Legal Expert

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     01 April 2018

whjether the public members befor ehom you she is making allegations, will be ready to be witnesses.

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