Ok Tajobji, if you have not gotten the meaning why I write about Arup, I am not there to explain it either...
Now coming to patronising tone....welll which human being would like it? Even our little sons and daughter would not like it ( we generic).
Like you wonder, why I am mentioning Arup, I also wonder why are you mentioning Renuka. And I see some similarity in your approach...well, bandwiddth, the lesser said the better...
I will be anwering whenever I feel I should, and in whaterver way I feel is approariate to a certain context....
Ah, passing the test ...well, I studied in a school which does not give a damn to passing or failing......
What a reaction to a word " authentic Feminism" to Kalra's unnecessay qupping on me as Psedo Feminism"....Well is there any connection???
and why engaging with me so much with a continuous message of stopping to write on this forum? well well now you will explain, and I reply and you explain ...well where then you will ask the story would end.....