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Demand of Copy of Police Case Diary under RTI

Whether police are bound to give the copy of case diary under Right  to  Information Act 2005 to the accuse party  at the stage when next date is for I O's cross examination ?

P. K. Raje,  Bhusawal Mah.

 8 Replies

Dr.Sidharth Arora (Advocate)     14 December 2010

No the Inner case Diary is not required to be produced by the police in case they are able to satisfy the court that divulging the details may hamper investigation.

Adv.Sidharth Arora


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Om Prakash Dhusia (HR assistant)     24 December 2010

Dear PK Raje, as per mandatory requirements police maintains a case diary in short is called CD and it can never be produced in the case for accused to see and it is regarded an confidential document, but if to refresh memory of police it is used in  the court then accused can also demand to see, otherwise NO.

The other document which is called General Diary or GD inshort is called Roznamcha in Hindi/Urdu heartland of India, and there it contains daily activities of police and anyone can demand it from the police and it is even supplied with the chargesheet also or can be copied from the record room of the courts with fee.Police can be contradicted on his activities on that particular day but even if contradiction or no entries of the event of the day is  found,certain prejudiced judge do not take any notice of this discrepancy.

If you have solid grounds of your defence then rely on those and do not go for technicalities because those are only embelishment as rule of law is always in the favor of powerfuls.

jithan (llb)     31 December 2010

here the question is regarding RTI act, please tell...

Om Prakash Dhusia (HR assistant)     31 December 2010

Dear Raje, the simple answer is,"You can not ask, copy of Police case diary under RTI"It is a confidential document which only trial court can ask for if required otherwise again sorry. You can not ask for its copy from any source be it RTI or like.

To conclude there needs to be lot of ammendments required to be made in whole judicial process in free India but  we are still following the legacy of colonial India.For instance the Latin language is regarded as Extinct but in Indian Judicial parlance it is still being used because we Indians dont invent anything and simply enjoy copying  everything from others. 

i would still say forget the technicalities otherwise you would regret when you find that the judge was BIASED.Please prepare your defence on solid evidences and forget the technicalities because they are only Embelishments and wasting your energy on acquiring CD is simply a waste of time.

Take care.

Om Prakash Dhusia (HR assistant)     31 December 2010

Mr.Jithan, Though your question is not clear since it was preceding subject of Case Diary but if something you wanted to know about RTI, then simply go to internet and get the information which you intend to and if it was related to Case Diary(CD) by police I have already replied to Mr.Raje.

Meanwhile I have attached a form to lodge your request for RTI to any Government department. Hope this would be worth your requirement.Thanks

Attached File : 33 33 33 33 14069098 rti application form.pdf downloaded: 573 times
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Sharad (Proprietor)     19 January 2011

Please give a google in CIC search option. You shal get many cases wher CIC has allowed to give case diary.

Om Prakash Dhusia (HR assistant)     20 January 2011

Dear Sharad, throughout whole night I was surfing all the recent rulings of CIC but maximum were related either to bank or civil administration and nowhere I could find even a mention of police department forget about CD.But yes ofcourse Delhi High Court has decided in applicant's favor to supply CD but that was after  investigation by the police were over because it is regarded as a holy cow in the criminal investigation parlance.Gents this is my country,a largest democratic nation where democracy exists only on papers but still we are under colonian rules where police is being used as tool to govern the very people for whom they were elected.But why a sudden urge for CD which plays no roll in deciding the cases in the courts?There are other means to justify yourself.Be informative, straight to the topic, prepare your solid defence on logics, have some documentary evidence in your favor and cross examine to the core to those dreaded petty criminals-cum- professional prosecution witnesses(PWs) and never shy away of the realities that this is a very crual world, prepare yourself hard to get justice in your favor because there is no place for the losers and always try for triumph.Remember always, the God almighty, pay wholeheartedly respect to your parents, never even dream of disrespect to them because they are the god on earth and the world will be yours.Take care.God bless you.

KNK A Learner (Learning to share)     08 June 2011

HI Pandit,

You can certainly get them through RTI, Here i am attaching a judgment and a link of Decision to provide case dairy and Daily Dairy


Attached File : 91874 185334 34 deputy commissioner of police vs d k sharma on 15 december 2010.pdf downloaded: 480 times

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