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Gourang M Haldipur   21 April 2021

Demarcation of undivided house by a stranger tothe family

Dear Sirs,

An undivided family dwelling house of my family was the subject matter of a partition suit. Suit was decreed into 6 shares. An FDP came to be filed. During the pendency of the FDP, a stranger to the family purchased undivided shares of  some of the coparceners in the undivided dwelling house (without permission of the court) and was impleaded as a respondent. Thereafter a Commissioner was appointed at the instance of the plaintiff to demarcate his share in the suit dwelling house. The Commissioner filed a report demarcating only the share of the sole plaintiff in the original suit and submitted his report. I filed objections to the said report. The trial court over ruled my objections and accepted the commissioner's report and closed the FDP in July-2019. I have already preferred appeal to the High Court and is pending admission. No execution petition has been filed so far, since the original plaintiff and many of the coparceners have sold their undivided shares during pendency of the FP. The original plaintiff and some of the respondents are also dead.

Two years after closure of the FDP, the stranger purchaser has moved the trial court  yesterday with an application to demarcate in his favour the undivided shares purchased by him in the suit dwelling house from some the coparceners. During the pendency of the FDP, he had not moved any such application, though he was impleaded as a respondent and was duly represented by a competent lawyer.

I request to be kindly guided to know whether the FDP that has been closed by the trial court can now be reopened at the instance a respondent, who is a stranger to the family/proceedings.

Whether a stranger can seek to get the undivided shares in the suit dwelling house demarcated in his favour, in the FDP which pertains to the members of the family.

 2 Replies

Pradipta Nath (Advocate)     21 April 2021

The said undivided property was finally divided into 6 shares by the final decree, therefore the stranger after purchasing his share maintain a locus standi for Court's help/intervention to demark his purchased share. You may dispute his purchase or the very transaction, provided a restrain order was prayed in a separate petition and a injunction was passed by the Learned Court to not sale the property till the final decree is passed!

Gourang M Haldipur   21 May 2021

Respected Sir,

Thank you for your valued guidance. The court commissioner appointed by the court at the instance of the petitioner, filed an incomplete report. That report was challenged by me but the court over ruled my objections. I have now filed an appeal to the High Court. The stranger purchaser who was already impleaded as a respondent in the FDP much before the commissioner filed his report, did not challenge the same. In fact, he was present at the spot when the commissioner inspected the suit property.

I am told that the stranger purchaser cannot get his share demarcated in an FDP which is restricted only to the members of the family. I am also told that he has to file a separate suit for general partition on payment of ad valorem court fee to get his share demarcated.

Thanks once again.

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