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Sk Ali Akbar   30 August 2016

Destroyed tree plnatation of nregs project

Dear Sir / Mam,

We have get permission from our Anchal for Tree plantation in a Vested Land aquring by our Culb for 32 Years. And various Tournament & cultural sports held in this ground. For protect the Land from soil erosion & prevent global warming as well as beutification of the ground we have planted 400 hundred trees. But , few anti social people has been destroyed all those trees planted through NREGS project.

As a Secretary of such Club I have launched a compalint towards Police Station  on 27/08/2016 for taking legal action so that we recover the compensation as well as prayer for punshment and replant again. But , Police Station has not yet taking any kind of action. 

Now , in this situation what steps should I take for getting justice for save the Land & prevent Global Warming.

Plz. help.

Thanks & Regards.

Sk. Ali Akbar.






 2 Replies

rajagopalan   30 August 2016

Here you are not menioned the land( Ground ) is own propertity of the club. In my point of view land owened by the Club there is no dispute . Here this land is goverment or some other peoples then there is some dispute  arose the plantation of tree. You here point about 32 years club has used this ,it is not a legal right for that land. The village document shows it is government  land ,you and your club have no legal entity in that land .In this case police has not arise any FIR aganist the aqused persons they can know about the owership of the ground.

Sk Ali Akbar   30 August 2016

Dear Sir / Mam,

Actually , such land are vested land. But those person who has been destroyed plant claiming as their ancsetral property without any land deed. Is anybody claim vested land as their personal property. And , our Club is not claiming at all it as the property of our club. We just used it for various cultural progrmamm & Sports on it for recereation of our villagers. 

And , we made an application towards Gram Panchayat for plantation on this Vested Land. And, Gram Panchayat Office has sanctioned this Project using JOB card labour of ourt Village.

My questions are :

1) Is the guilties are eligible for free from legal punishment ?

2) Is they will not compensate for destrying the plant ?

3) Who will take initiate for taking legal action against this criminal conspiracy?

Thanks & Regards.

Sk. Ali Akbar.








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