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Rocky Smith (Instructor @ Calcutta (     23 February 2016

All gender biased feminist laws are unconstitutional ?

All Gender Biased Feminist Laws are Unconstitutional ???


I am writing this article by exercising my fundamental rights and duties conferred by Article 19 sub section 1(a)




Under Article 51A clauses (e), (h) and (j) of Constitution of India read with rule of this LCI forum and therein.


Dear Friends,


Grounds of Public Interest Litigation(PIL) under Article 32 of Constitution of India.


The basic concept of Indian Judiciary is presumption of innocence in criminal trials.


"It is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer" – Sir William Blackstone.


The Supreme Court of India

Sampath kumar -Vs- Inspector of police, krishnagiri which was decided by their Lordships of Apex court Justice T.S.Thakur.


Our basic concept of Jurisprudence that let the 100 culprits may go free but no innocent should be punished.


So clearly we can understand that pre –convicted notion of view, biased view is overruled and the same is against the jurisprudence.


As per Article 14 of Constitution of India Equality before law - The State shall not deny to any person equality before the law or the equal protection of the laws within the territory of India Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, s*x or place of birth.


The State” - includes the Government and Parliament of India and the Government and the Legislature of each of the States and all local or other authorities within the territory of India or under the control of the Government of India.


Therefore, Equality before law and equal protection of law irrespective to gender is the right of every Indian man and woman.




Article 15 of Constitution of India is as follows:- Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, s*x or place of birth


(1) The State shall not discriminate against any citizen on grounds only of religion, race, caste, s*x, place of birth or any of them


(2) No citizen shall, on grounds only of religion, race, caste, s*x, place of birth or any of them, be subject to any disability, liability, restriction or condition with regard to

(a) access to shops, public restaurants, hotels and palaces of public entertainment; or

(b) the use of wells, tanks, bathing ghats, roads and places of public resort maintained wholly or partly out of State funds or dedicated to the use of the general public


(3) Nothing in this article shall prevent the State from making any special provision for women and children


(4) Nothing in this article or in clause ( 2 ) of Article 29 shall prevent the State from making any special provision for the advancement of any socially and educationally backward classes of citizens or for the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes.


Clearly this article also prohibits any gender discrimination however under article 15(3) woman and child have some extra privileges. The most unfortunate situation of Indian gender biased feminist criminal laws (including 498A, DVA, Rape , Maintenance laws etc) are wrongly formulated, misinterpretation of basic concept of jurisprudence and misinterpretation of Article 15(3) of Constitution of India. Let us see how Article 15(3) of Constitution of India has been misinterpreted: - 15(3) Nothing in this article shall prevent the State from making any special provision for women and children. Clearly the scope of this provision lies within Article 15 only, not outside of it hence under this the state has no power to deny to any person’s equality before the law or the equal protection of the laws within the territory of India Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, s*x or place of birth as mention under Article 14. Also Article 15(3) the cannot deny the basic concept of jurisprudence like - presumption of innocence in criminal trials. Moreover if you closely look on Article 15(2) clause (a) and (b), gender discrepancy is prohibited for public place which is fully or partly funded by the state, however under Article 15(3) the state can grand some privilege for women and child such as – ladies seats in train and buses, ladies trains and buses, special maternity care for public hospitals (which is public properties and fully/partly funded by the state) etc. However, under Article 15(3) the state has not power to show any discrepancy on private property.

Now please try to understand –

a) Alimoy

b) Maintenance

c) Residential Rights

- These are awarded from husbands property (private property which in not at all funded by the state). Whether the state has any power to do so. If such impugned extortion laws are imposed (like 125 CrPC, DVA etc) even without securing husband’s source of income then is the constitutional???? Absolutely not. These are unconstitutional.


Also under Aricle 15(3) the state has no power to destroy the basic concept of jurisprudence that is presumption of innocence in criminal trials, and equality and equal protection rights as written under Article 14 of Constitution of India hence the state has no power convert any gender equal laws to gender biased feminist laws like Rape, 498A, DVA, Special Marriage Act etc. These laws are certainly unconstitutional. Actually, the state has failed to give equality and equal protection to all innocent Indians, the law and orders are continuously deteriorating, the dignity of both men and women are destroying and to hush up such failures the state are creating biased laws, misinterpreting our constitution and making foolish us. (JALDISE KUCH KARNA HAI wink).


Inconsequence, lot of innocent, educated, productive families are destroying and corrupted people (including corrupted police, judges, advocates and wrong women) are gaining money.


As per Article 51A - The Fundamental duties of every citizen of India is to abide by the Constitution and respect its ideals and institutions, now whether the state and its public servants (Police, Judges) are donging their fundamental duties??


Over 32 million cases are pending across the countries. Justice delayed means justice denied.


Article 21 of Constitution of India says - Protection of life and personal liberty. No person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to procedure established by law. Whether a person liberty can be deprived for infrastructure of the court?? Where no justice only dates are given?? (TARIKH PE TARIKH wink)


Whether Indian Judiciary mainly driven by corrupted judges are abide by the Constitution of India and respect its ideals???


--- Unfortunately, the answers of my questions is NO.


Under Article 39 of Constitution of India the state has to follow certain principles of policy as follows : -


39. Certain principles of policy to be followed by the State: The State shall, in particular, direct its policy towards securing


(a) that the citizens, men and women equally, have the right to an adequate means to livelihood;


(b) that the ownership and control of the material resources of the community are so distributed as best to subserve the common good;


(c) that the operation of the economic system does not result in the concentration of wealth and means of production to the common detriment;


(d) that there is equal pay for equal work for both men and women;


(e) that the health and strength of workers, men and women, and the tender age of children are not abused and that citizens are not forced by economic necessity to enter avocations unsuited to their age or strength;


(f) that children are given opportunities and facilities to develop in a healthy manner and in conditions of freedom and dignity and that childhood and youth are protected against exploitation and against moral and material abandonment


Here also the state is bound to follow gender equality.


So the concussion is –

All Gender Biased Feminist Laws are Unconstitutional as there is no such provision written in the Constitution of India except a few privileges in public places those are fully/partly funded by the state. Is not it ???


Please vote me if you are agree.


Lastly, I would like to say that since there is no provision in law that any advocate/counsel is required to plead any case, anybody can plead and defend any case, please sue Public Interest Litigation(PIL) against Union of India under article 32 of Constitution of India to eradicate such biased laws to abide by the Ideas of Indian Constitution and therein as the same is our fundamental duties.


Please see my profile for some sample petitions and other FAQs that may help you.


Jai Hind!

 13 Replies

Ravi (Consultant)     23 February 2016

How about this ?

Rocky Smith (Instructor @ Calcutta (     23 February 2016

Originally posted by : Ravi
How about this ?


@ Ravi,


The is a fantastic blog. 


Actually, these unconstitutional laws has become business of Corrupted Judges, Police, Advocates and wrong women. May be menz NGOs are also created and funded by them those shows false sympathy. We all need to sue PIL in the Supreme Court to eradicate these unconstitutional laws rather boycott vote or joining or depending any NGO. Please sue and please Party-in-person (Without Advocate).


These unconstitutional laws are just misinterpretation of Article 15(3) of Indian Constitution.


Ravi (Consultant)     23 February 2016

i am not here to judge 498A is constitutional or Unconstitutional;

i can say its nexus between Indian government, judiciary, Police, lawyer and Women ngos like NCW/WCD to harass and swindle tax paying men. All have their cut.

Law can sue you if you file misinterpreted PIL, Babus, judges and Police have their machanism to protect each other.

I am one of the 498A victim, and my case is running for last 16 years; I repeat SIXTEEN long years and relief at sight; still case is not dismissed even she appeared in court only once 16 years back.

thats the pathetic condition of our judiciary. and law protector make mockery of law system.

more details you can find here

Solution for all these gender biased law is take law into hand. shoot them, you will be out of jail in 7 years,no need to run from post to pillar for 16 years.

1 Like

Rocky Smith (Instructor @ Calcutta (     24 February 2016

Dear Friends, 


Injustice prevails over Justice in most of the temples of justice (Indian Courts) however I advise people to abide by Indian Constitution and restore rules mentioned therein at everywhere and destroy such laws, rules, acts, practices those are unconstitutional and continuously insulting Indians by practicing injustice.


PIL – Public Interest Litigation - can be filed any and Indian citizen to ensure observance and preservation of Indian Constitution and rights and duties mentioned therein for larger public interest. If any Indian citizen found that there is reasonable breaches of Indian Constitution and rights and duties mentioned therein that hampers public health and liberty, properties, dignity, social and moral values such citizen can sue PIL to place their grievance before Apex Court under article 32 of the Constitution of India Party-in-person (Without advocate) and prey relives to restore constitutional rules for public welfare. Citizen must come with clean hands, clean heart, clean mind and clean objectives.


Please understand that any personal grievances for personal interests and personal relieves are unwarranted.


Your all submissions/grievances/examples should be for Indian public interest related and for social welfare. Even you lose the case then also no cost will be imposed by honorable supreme court if your objectives are cleanyes

Rocky Smith (Instructor @ Calcutta (     26 February 2016

Originally posted by : Ravi

i can say its nexus between Indian government, judiciary, Police, lawyer and Women ngos like NCW/WCD to harass and swindle tax paying men. All have their cut.


I 100% agree with you. There is nexus indeed among Indian government, judiciary, Police, lawyer and Women NGOs like NCW/WCD.


Even I have doubt on menz NGOs also.

Rocky Smith (Instructor @ Calcutta (     26 February 2016

Please Stop Discrimination Imposed by Indian Government.


Dear Friends,


There are two India exist -


One: -

Believes to abide by our Indian Constitution and respect its ideals, develops the scientific temper, humanism and the spirit of inquiry to reform our nation continuously. They also believes to strive towards excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity to raise our nation to the higher level.


Two: -

Makes and implements their own laws/fatwas (which is against jurisprudence) to their created territories and forced innocents to obey such laws/fatwas and to inherit such laws/fatwas among their descendants. These Indians not only ruining their own but also damaging their offspring’s and kin’s scientific temper, sprit of inquiry and humanism hence destroying own biological evolution.


As per Charles Darwin’s: -

Natural selection is the differential survival and reproduction of individuals due to differences in phenotype. It is a key mechanism of evolution.  

We can’t survive unless we are selected by nature. Evolution is a mandate to obtain natural selection.


Clearly, aforesaid second Indian are unwarranted. They should be converted to first else they will destroy not only us but also our great nation.


Unfortunately, Our Indian government and Indian Temple of Justice (where injustice prevails over justice wink) also falls under the said second Indians those have distorted and misinterpreted our Indian Constitution and pious ideas therein to make discrimination among people in the ground or race, s*x, religion and place of birth for their own advantages (Extortion, Political gains). They fooled us and insulted us and insulted pious ideas of our constitution.  


Biased laws/Gender biased laws and biased views/rulings of Indian courts are the example of it. All Indian irrespectively of race, s*x, religion and place of birth are the integral part of India. Discrimination among people will certainly divert Indians, stop their evolution destroy Indian sovereignty, unity and integrity of India.


It is our fundamental duty as per Article 51A sub-clauses (a), (h) and (j) to restore all ideas and observance of Indian Constitution.

Please be trained and train all Indians to sue Public Interest Litigation.

Rocky Smith (Instructor @ Calcutta (     27 February 2016

Dear Friends,


I have already argued with some of my learned friends of this LCI on the aforesaid topic. They could not come up with any leading argument in accordance with law to reject my view yet. Please see the link below carfully.


Rocky Smith (Instructor @ Calcutta (     29 February 2016

I wanted to share these ideas over Facebook but my Facebook accounted has made disabled.

 My freedom of speech rights has been deprived  sad

Rocky Smith (Instructor @ Calcutta (     01 March 2016

Thank god,  I got access again on Facebook.  smiley

Rocky Smith (Instructor @ Calcutta (     19 May 2016

Dear Friends,
The HOUSE OF PARLIAMENT has no power to make any amendment on Right to Equality - Article 14 under Article 368 of Indian Constitution.   wink
Actually, the HOUSE OF PARLIAMENT has no power to make any amendment of fundamental rights defined in Indian Constitution for Indians under Article 13 sub-clause (4) of Indian Constitution.   wink
Right to Equality - Article 14 of Indian Constitution.
Equality before law.—The State shall not deny to any person equality before the law or the equal protection of the laws within the territory of India Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, s*x or place of birth

AMAN KONARK MODI   17 June 2016

DR BR AMBEDKAR SAID IN THE LAST SPEECH OF CONSTITUION FRAMING CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY OF INDIA ON 25.11.1949 "I shall not therefore enter into the merits of the Constitution. Because I feel, however good a Constitution may be, it is sure to turn out bad because those who are called to work it, happen to be a bad lot. However had a Constitution may be, it may turn out to be good if those who are called to work it, happen to be a good lot. The working of a Constitution does not depend wholly upon the nature of the Constitution. The Constitution can provide only the organs of State such as the Legislature, the Executive and the Judiciary. The factors on which the working of those organs of the State depend are the people and the political parties they will set up as their instruments to carry out their wishes and their politics. Who can say how the people of India and their purposes or will they prefer revolutionary methods of achieving them? If they adopt the revolutionary methods, however good the Constitution may be, it requires no prophet to say that it will fail. It is, therefore, futile to pass any judgement upon the Constitution without reference to the part which the people and their parties are likely to play."

Attached File : 356657 20160617140700 457650843 br ambedkar speech constitution last speech.pdf downloaded: 167 times

smit sanjaybhi shah (student )     12 August 2020

First of all for Curb Injustice  you all must aware to the all male peoples and old age public regarding this issues and do strong protest of Gender bias law and do protest like women do protest of TRIPLE Govt.Must listen our Voice and your so.First do vote according your interest not based on Political party if Your area candidate not willing to solve your  498A issues then stop voting him/her in Election.

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