Tubeen 09 May 2019
Is your partnership registered ? or unregistered
Are books of accounts availbale ,or annual tax returns which will ofcourse show profits too.if you have sales turnover record lie VAT returns then we can also calculate prsumptive profits as per incoem tax act.
You have decree already in hand or case is pending for decree. Wohtout decree howexecution process can start
The information is too sketchy
What your lawyers says
Tubeen 10 May 2019
Inhereent power cannot arbitrai9ly determine profits .I have given tiops as abiove answer already as to what are pssoible legal methids. If you dont have any sales tax retruns Income tax returns GST/VATS retruns or even proof of puchase of goods for resale /prcessing/manufactruing how any one can determine amount.
Most cheats in such partnrships that hardly last , remove all books fo accoutns andpurchase files .
In one case I too invested in 1995 but learnt after 45 days workigntbnat aprty is cheat and would some embezzlement. I gave them notice to return my money simply .Withdrawing capital. But as usual they ram away in night with everythign inclduing books .I got them arrested . Still they did not give books to polcie .Ultimately i got dcreed my pricinciple amount with inteerst .On execution you have to find properties of judgment debor that has to be attached or any bank account where money lies.
One house is expemptedform attachment .
Since more details niot availbel you can now seek help of you seemingly capable advicate to pursue matetr as per his/her best