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Mahesh Patil   21 September 2020

Development Agreement And Relinquishment Deed

I have given my land for development to one builder in 2008. And done relinquishment deed of Sisters in 2012

Now in 2020I have to cancel development agreement of Builder.Can I cancel development agreement without sister's signature? Or sisters signature is compulsory?

please guide ..

 7 Replies

Hemant Agarwal ( Mumbai : 9820174108)     21 September 2020

1. IF sister had executed "registered" relinquishment /release Deed in your favor, THEN such Deed is Final & Irrefutable for all futuristic legal purposes and there is no legal need or legal reference required from Sister, for cancelling the Development Agreement,  further PROVIDED sister is NOT the signatory to the Development Agreement.

Keep Smiling .... Hemant Agarwal

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Mahesh Patil   22 September 2020

Thanks for advise...

about last sentence.. Can You clear below query?

At the time of making development agreement there was sisters signature in 2008.

Relinquishment deed done in 2012

Cancelling development in current date..

need sister's signature to cancel that development agreement?



Hemant Agarwal ( Mumbai : 9820174108)     22 September 2020

1. IF "SUBSEQUENTLY" "registered" relinquishment /release Deed is in your favor (which  is Final & Irrefutable for all futuristic legal purposes), THEN there is no legal need or legal reference required from Sister, for cancelling the Development Agreement, EVEN IF Sister is a signatory to the Development Agreement.

2. By Vritue of the "registered" relinquishment /release Deed executed by Sister, You become the absolute SOLE owner of the related property to futuristically deal with any issue related to Development Agreement or any other document.  Sister's right is permanently forfeited due to the  relinquishment /release Deed.

Keep Smiling .... Hemant Agarwal

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SHIRISH PAWAR, 7738990900 (Advocate)     22 September 2020


After executing the relinquishment deed you became the sole owner of the property so no need for sister's signature for cancellation of the development agreement executed with the builder.


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Sachidananda Rath   23 September 2020

A lease hold property purchased for lease price Rs1200/- in 1966 from Govt Odisha by my father died intestate in 2002 leaving behind legal heirs myself (son), 3 married daughters living in rich family and widow wife.

In 2011 the above 3 married sisters and widow mother relinquished the above property in my favour by executing registered deed mentioning out of free will in deed and signing on the deed in front of Govt Camera and Sub Registrar.

On the basis of above registered relinquished deed and premium of Rs1500000/- paid by me to Govt as conversion fee from lease hold to free hold, the Government Odisha issued Patta ROR in my favour in 2012 as sole owner of the property with all reversionary rights.

The sisters have taken Rs3000000/- in cash from me by hook or by crook by exploiting fraternal emotions.

Now, in 2020 above 3 married sisters are demanding exorbitant money from me or else threatening me to sue me in court of law and cancel the registered relinquished deed.

Can a registered relinquished deed executed in 2011 out of free will be cancelled in 2020 by 3 executants (sisters) when the other executant (my widow mother) and the beneficiary (myself) do not give consent for cancellation and also in view of issue of Patta ROR by Government in my favour as sole owner with all reversionary rights and duly converting propertyromrom lease hold to free hold on receiving Govt conversion fee Rs1500000/- from me including conducting bonafide verification of the relinquished deed and not obtaining any complaint within due time of Government notification?

Your valuable jurisprudence on the matter is highly solicited.

Mobile no.9692089815

Hemant Agarwal ( Mumbai : 9820174108)     24 September 2020

1. Legally, a Release /Relinquishment Deed, duly Registered before SRO,  "CANNOT" be unilaterally revoked /cancelled, without any exceptions, whatsoever & whichsoever.... more so specifically AFTER a period of Seven years.

2. Apprehensively, the Sisters jointly are on a Arm-Twisting Spree to swindle you off for more money, bringing about what can be unfortunately & typically termed them as Family's Black Sheep.

3. DESPITE above point no. 1, Sister's would be able to revoke /cancel the said Deeds, using many twisted parameters, which would depend on the documents executed etc.... 

Keep Smiling .... Hemant Agarwal

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Sachidananda Rath   25 September 2020

Respected Sir,

Thank you very much for eliciting your valuable jurisprudence on the matter.

As per last para, Litigants can use various twisted parameters depending on the deed. 

In the Relinquishment deed they have mentioned to have relinquished the property out of free will, without any coercion and their legal heirs shall not sue on court of law as it will be void.

I shall be highly grateful if you may pleasr throw some light on types of twisted possibilities.

Thank you,

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