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fighting back (exec)     12 September 2013

Diff betwn threat to commtt suicide at mat.home & native hom

hi guys,

futher to my query on a suicide threat situation i wanted to know the following

request all the Ld members to advice...sufferer, helping hand, TAjobs and other Ld members, want to know as this situation happened in my home, this threat was given to me from two different places

i have read numerous times in this forum that the threat to committ suicide by wife is an act of cruelty on the husband, so in this given situation i want to know

what will be the effect if this is threat is carried out in two different places:

1) wife goes away to her mothers place, there she threatens to committ suicide as no one from matrimonial home is coming to take her, the inlaws are harrassing her and from her mothers home in her native place she leaves a note that she is going to committ suicide

2) second situation

wife threatens to commit suicide by keeping a written note, that she will committ suicide due to alleged harrassment by the husband and inlaws

in the above 2 given situations, what effect will the threat of suicide have on the DV case filed by her.

because some members advice if the threat was given from her mothers native place then it is a high risk situation from the husband, but if the threat is given in the husbands home, then the husband can claim that the wife is constantly giving threats of suicide.

in my situation: wife went away and wrote a note that she will committ suicide, and her family came to my place and threatened me to put to jail, as i was harrassing her and therefore she was going to committ suicide but she was saved by us

in the second time, she wrote a letter, the she will committ suicide as parents are harrassing her,

all this bullsh*t was going on so that i would force my parents to go away from my owned property so that she can occupy the whole flat....this was her real intention behind this, as she had told me before this bullsh*t situtation that why my family members are staying here, they should move out and live in their own home...hence the drama took place



 11 Replies


what will be the effect if this is threat is carried out in two different places:

1) wife goes away to her mothers place, there she threatens to committ suicide as no one from matrimonial home is coming to take her, the inlaws are harrassing her and from her mothers home in her native place she leaves a note that she is going to committ suicide


Opinion: Dear Bro,,,  An Insane mind never knows the next second what he will do, this particular case you have already filled a divorce based on her cruelity alleging the all facts.If you wish then do add the recent activities of your beloved through amendments in divorce petititon.

As per your query...I will again affirmed my asnwer as NO. She can't indulge you in suicidal case.


Reason: The incidence has happened long time back when the disputes arised and both couple sperated.Husband has got his tiff against wife which he has already mentioned in the divorce petition.Knowing the allegations if wife tries to threat with sucide is another mental cruelity given by her which can't be ignored.

If she has problem with his husband then universaly court is opened for all why can't she has gone to court and prayed for the same.But instead of that she continuosly giving the threats of sucide is nothing but onesided selfishness to overlap her faults.




2) second situation wife threatens to commit suicide by keeping a written note, that she will committ suicide due to alleged harrassment by the husband and inlaws in the above 2 given situations,


Opinion: same as above.


what effect will the threat of suicide have on the DV case filed by her. because some members advice if the threat was given from her mothers native place then it is a high risk situation from the husband, but if the threat is given in the husbands home, then the husband can claim that the wife is constantly giving threats of suicide.


Opinion: Think logically yarr...

A mental crime whether done from her own maternal home or from marital home is same.

Due you know commiting suicide is an offence U/s 309  IPC 1860 as Whoever attempts to commit suicide and does any act towards the commission of such offence, shall be punished with simple imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year 1[ or with fine, or with both.]


Just book her for her malicious suicide threats if she has done also.

But in your case she has not done that also....bcz she has no authorized MLC or any Medical documents which prooves that she has gone through suicide.


So,dear freind don't get nervous through her false suicidal Bandar-ghoorkhi.

"Dimag Ki batti Jalao aur aapni wicked wife ka Diya Bujhao"




in my situation: wife went away and wrote a note that she will committ suicide, and her family came to my place and threatened me to put to jail, as i was harrassing her and therefore she was going to committ suicide but she was saved by us in the second time,


Opinion: ASk the medical proof,if given by them file a case under section 309 of IPC and send her to gud 1 year imprisonment.

she wrote a letter, the she will committ suicide as parents are harrassing her, all this bullsh*t was going on so that i would force my parents to go away from my owned property so that she can occupy the whole flat....this was her real intention behind this, as she had told me before this bullsh*t situtation that why my family members are staying here, they should move out and live in their own home...hence the drama took place


Opinion: Your wife is queen of foolish godess..! don't mind han:)))

Uske nek Iradon pe kanoon malham lagyegi,just ask her to proceed with her false suicide notes.

You also take 2 dozen of personal diaries and write each day sucidal notes and submit to police station and in the court.

Let see who wins in this sucidal note writing game





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fighting back (exec)     12 September 2013

@sufferer......thanks a ton bro...actually i was getting conflicting results from my own lawyer, hence i got all the more confused about this thing, thats the reason i raised this query....thanks a ton again, you are really doing a great contribution in this forum. going by the way you answer each and every query in detail...........

Adv k . mahesh (advocate)     12 September 2013

your wife being a women and already committed suicide means you are at trouble leave all the sections at first instance wheather you can arrest her for suicide but before that you will be at bars for making her to take such drastic step and making her to attempet suicide and after you proving your innocence you can take action on her 

first take her to the pysciatrist for counselling classes and have a talk with her about the property


I find one advice, whose profile shows his profession of advocacy,a practical and more judicious approach towards solving matrimonial problems.


It's advisable for you to avoid non-legal people advice.Non-legal advice sounds good in listening which may have a nice scriptt too but of no avail when it's comes to legal points of view.For example,one cannot be sent to jail just for threatening to commit suicide under section 309 of Indian penal code.There must be an actual attempt to commit suicide to invoke this section.


Finally,I would just say solve problems by combination one/all approaches suggested below-


1.A report should be lodged with police about such threats.

2.Counseling should be conducted.

3.Mutual talk with patience.


Rest is your wish..



It's amusing to hear envious comments from those who are neither in this case and not knows the situation of the querist,even though they don't want to go through the deep root of the problem as what exactly the querist is asking.

Many people are jealeous within their own proffession. That's why they come here for bullying by discriminating Legal and illegal boundaries.

I feel pitty for those people who give suffice to legalities but in practically they are empty vessels.For being a Advocate one should be Good at Physcology as what their client needs what his/her situation is prevailing what sort of remedies be taken for the truth.

For above repliers I will advice to first know the query then answer it ..........don't answer only for the sake of giving answers but give answers to raise the depth of the querist concerns.

I differ from all above answers becauze they have not read the querist earlier posts and are not in touch with his predominant cases.

So,I suggest you to first brush up your legal knowledge with the concerned case by going through this post which has been already answered:


and plz shut your mouth before pointing any bodies profile or the way he gives answers until or unless you don't know about him.

I can't stop myself laughing to those lawyers who write themselves are legal consultant but gives suggestions without reasoning.

Only reading Law can't help you out ........until you don't know how to counter and save the real justice.

I agree with a person on this forum who allegedly writes about these lawyers as crook and cheap prostitutes who don't have morals.


Cheers once again:))

rajiv_lodha (zz)     12 September 2013

Man is already fighting divorec against her. So no need for councelling & mutual talk with patience.................unless she shows signs of MCD. Aviod ANY TYPE OF DIRECT CONTACT WID HER 2 be on the safe side

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fighting back (exec)     12 September 2013

@news know...the point you have raised about : For example,one cannot be sent to jail just for threatening to commit suicide under section 309 of Indian penal code.There must be an actual attempt to commit suicide to invoke this section.

sufferer has already correctly pointed out in his reply 

commiting suicide is an offence U/s 309  IPC 1860 as Whoever attempts to commit suicide and does any act towards the commission of such offence, shall be punished with simple imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year 1[ or with fine, or with both.]

he never said that sec 309 can be invoked   for threatening to commit suicide under section 309 of Indian penal code.

he has therefore rigthly pointed out, he never mentioned about threatening, he said " committing suicide" or attempts to committ suicide....

which is 100% corrrect.............


@fighting back...if ur wife is psycho she will definitely try to get u in trouble ..u have to be careful this instance ..wife consumed a  low potency pesticide at her parents home..parents admitted her to the hospital ...gave a statement to police that husband compelled me to do it ..doctors report says that she has consumed a fatal drug lodged on husband ..wife smart was admitted in hospital for just for  5days ..husband behind bars now..sympathy always towards women ..u must be aware of it by now be careful 

Dear Fighting back,
Go through the following few judgements where divorce been granted due to suicidal threats of wife.It will be very helpful in your case to support the Backlog.

. MUMBAI HIGH COURT : Dated  2008    
. MADRAS HIGH COURT : Dated  18 November 2009
. PUNJAB HARYANA HIGH COURT : Dated  07 February 1995
. SUPREME COURT OF INDIA : Dated 30 September, 2011
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If you truly describes your real life problem,try the smart people advice who sermonized a lot to me.Soon will be you behind bars.IN jail you will be memorizing those scriptts.


Section 498-A of IPC waiting for you.


Curse me if you so wish. But do remember cursing/bad-mouthing lawyers on a public forum may drive you in trouble.So avoid attacking a community.Yes,you can bad-mouthed me personally if you wish so.Ignorance can keep people at silly coast.


No reply further.....


@Dear fighting Back this News_Know has sent you to jail via 498A express Where you will remember his words



@ News_Know So funny consultant you are -----you are making your own News  instead of News_Know!!!


@Dear News_Know could you plz explain how a person will go in jail where he will rigorously remember your words that on 12.09.13 @ 9:50 pm Mr.News_Know has informed through his News forecasting that Mr.Fighting Back will go to Jail via 498a express if he will not follow his suggestions.


So,pitty to know that are you really a legal consultant? or trying to open your shop as legal consultant?


When querist has already filed a divorce and seperation is more than 1 year and querist is already paying maintenance U/s 24 Hma then for what cause she will file 498A ...........? do she is dumbed like you?

Dear consultant saheb Plz Dimag ki Batti Jalao..........!!!!!!!!!

If she will file 498a now then she will be forcasted legaly and openly as she is legal extortionist who had filed cases because in India there is no restrictions to file 498a and other fake cases at any time.

But this time her husband will not slap her but the hon'ble judge will slap her legally for her malicious intentions and unscruplous deeds.


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