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BHRIGU DATTA 9475352677 (PRIVATE PRACTICE)     23 April 2016


What is difference between revision and appeal?

 4 Replies

kavksatyanarayana (subregistrar/supdt.(retired))     23 April 2016

Repeated query. find in the LCI blogs. or search google.

Siddharth Dev (Advocate)     25 May 2016

"There is an essential distinction between an appeal and a revision. The distinction is based on the differences implicit in the said two expressions. An appeal is a continuation of the proceedings; in effect the entire proceedings are before the appellate authority and it has power to review the evidence subject to the statutory limitations prescribed. But in the case of a revision, whatever powers the reversional authority may or may not have, it has not the power to review the evidence unless the statute expressly confers on it that power."

Thank you

Pawan S (Advocate)     26 May 2016

Hope this would help

Reference link :


When a party to a decision of the court is not satisfied with the verdict and decides to appeal against the decision, it is said to be an appeal. There are always people who feel cheated or disappointed by a verdict of the court. These people seek relief from the judgment as they appeal in a higher court of law for the reversal or modification of the verdict. An appeal is, therefore, a plea for a second judgment on the same matter by the aggrieved party. In most judicial systems, an appeal is considered a right of the people and a tool to seek redressal if a party feels it has been wronged by the decision of the court. An appeal is always preferred in a higher court of law. In case an appeal fails, a second appeal can be filed. An appeal is always filed by one of the concerned parties.


Review is a tool that is used by an aggrieved party, to request a court of law to take a second look at its decision or verdict. Review is used in situations where there is no provision for an appeal. Review is not a statutory right of the people and is considered a discretionary right of a court as it can reject the request for a review. Review is sought in the same law court from where the original decision came. There is no system of a second review. Review can be undertaken suo moto by a court of law.


BHRIGU DATTA 9475352677 (PRIVATE PRACTICE)     31 May 2016

Thank you all friends

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