Recently I found that west to east dimension in E swathu of Karnataka is wrongly entered. Dimension from east to west has been entered as 9.18 meters where as actual dimension is 12.19meters (40ft). And in sale deed and all others document it is entered as 40 ft as it 60X40 dimension site.
Except this all other details are correct in the document even area is entered correctly 222.97 sq meters (2400 sq. Feet).
Since now our area is being shifted from grama panchayat to town council.
both of them are not willing to rectify. Since RI of town council is scheduled to visit or place and in connection with transferring our property from eswathu ( gram panchayat portal) to E Aasthi ( urban body e property portal).
kindly suggest what measures should I take to get it rectified in the process of updation.