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Akshay kumar (Banker)     09 November 2023

Disciplinary proceedings

I am working for regional rural bank plz help me in the matter where I have raised complaint against my branch manager and loan officer for indulging in fake loan fraud and embezzlement of funds from customer accounts and office accounts of banks .
I have complained through mail as till then there was no whistle blower police I have specifically written and provided call recordings of the loan officer where are he has accepted that he was unaware that he was using my finacle I'd and opened few fake loan accounts.
Now bank is intitiating a disciplinary proceedings against me although I am sure I am nowhere involved and written a mail to inspection dept that there is malafide intention of May be the management or internal inquiry officer who have protected those officers although branch manager is suspended but before my complaint bank had no idea about the fraud.

 13 Replies

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     10 November 2023

If the bank has initiated a disciplinary proceedings against you, then you may have to face it properly and challenge the false alelgations leveled against you as per law or the procedures of banking regulations.

If you have a strong defence you can get absolved accordinlgy 

Akshay kumar (Banker)     10 November 2023

Yes I do have a strong evidence against the loan officer as well as other official including the auditors who have managed to ignore all those things during internal audit and snap inspection.

The only worry to me is iam being charge sheeted and feel will be targetted by the management 

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     12 November 2023

no concerete view can be formed on the dsiciplinary aspect without seeing chargesheet.

Akshay kumar (Banker)     12 November 2023

Sir as soon as I recieve I will update

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     13 November 2023

On one side you are saying that the bank has initiated disciplinary proceedings.


on other hand you are saying that the chargesheet is not received by you.


both things are contridictary.  Pleae elaborate.

Akshay kumar (Banker)     13 November 2023

Sir basically my loan accounts has been debit freezed by my bank when I asked them the reason they said we have initiated a disciplinary proceedings against you and soon the show cause or charge sheet will be issued.


Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     14 November 2023

You are now intorudcing new fact "my loan account"  please elaborate what do you mean.  if you want sound advise then do not leave things to the imagination.

Akshay kumar (Banker)     14 November 2023

Sir while the disciplinary proceedings are undergoing the bank debit freezed the staff loan accounts but the charge sheet I am yet to recieve 

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     14 November 2023

on one side you say that disciplinary proceedings are going on and on the same time you say that you have not received chargesheet.


why do not you come clear on the facts.

hwat really do you mean freesing of staff lan account? have they stopped recovery of any loans given to sataff simply because the staff is suspected of irregularity?


what do you gain by keeping facts vague.

Akshay kumar (Banker)     14 November 2023

Sir this is their standard procedure and even iam in vague that how they can freeze staff loan account before issuing charge sheet they keep saying disciplinary proceedings have been initiated that is the reason of freezing staff cc limit

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     16 November 2023

what do you mean by "freezing staff loan"


do you want to say that they had given you some loan and stopped recovery of thesame.

P. Venu (Advocate)     17 November 2023

Admittedly, you have not been served the Charge-sheet. Hence, it is unnecessary to rush to conclusions. 

As to the alleged "freezing", take up the issue with higher officers. 

The facts posted suggest that you have unruffled some feathers. In such circumstnces, it is prudent not to indulge in oral discussions on sensitive matters. Make written communication so that those documents could be helpful in case any contingency arises.

Akshay kumar (Banker)     17 November 2023

Thanks sir will share 

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