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Dishonest judge.

""A single dishonest judge not only dishonoures himself and disgraces his office but jeopardises the integrity of the entire judicial system." 
(Supreme Court of India).

 5 Replies

Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always)     04 September 2011

Very true. God, honest authorities should involve in exercises to cleanse filth across the length and breadth of our country.

monalisa (student)     05 September 2011


can i get some articles on impeachment of judges???

Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always)     06 September 2011

What is the procedure to complain against xxx judge of yyy court with the higher authority? It is a matter of gross violation of rules that govern conduct/assembling of a court.


More specifically, how to invoke IPC 219 in a specific case?

Vikrant Goel (fkhjk)     07 September 2011

Sir, I agree to you. As i am also victim of 3 dishonest judges and judiciary staff. I donot have any regards for Indian Judiciary and law as i dont have faith in Indian Judiciary. Judges who believes themselves god of justice are infacts devils playing with the life of innocent and tries to save actual criminal. Dishonest judges has disgraced the court which is know as temple of Justice but corrupt judges are under power concious has black spotted judiciary. Such judges face should be black painted and hanged in between the people.

Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always)     07 September 2011


It would be unfair to castigate the entire profession, group and paint them up with a single brush, single stroke. On the pretext of stopping injustice, doing justice etc; Judges, judiciary at large have come up with more heinous crimes across the globe. It has happened across the globe, at all times: Copernicus, the great scientist who advocated that Earth rotates around the Sun and not vice versa was killed in public after courts. Kings, learned ministers, learned teachers, scholars, clergy, common man, traders, slaves etc etc, the entire community were sensitive to the proceedings. Yet, Copernicus was prosecuted. His only sin was that he steadfastly stood by his theory. His theory has now come to be accepted as universal truth and ALL OTHERS, INCLUDING THE GREATest KINGS, QUEENS, THEIR FAMILIES, RICH, MIGHTY, SCHOLARS ETC are grossly wrong. The entire universe accepts it now. But, we all lost that great soul, COPERNICUS. No one could have made Copernicus immortal. But, had he to die such a death? Was he a criminal? He was non-political, honest. That was his crime.


One could draw identical inferences from the movie "Benhur", that deals on Christian society. Why that, their lord, Jesus was a human, but an extraordinary human. The fate that the great soul met is all well known and needs no much explanation.


So also it has happened in Muslim communities. Tale of Arabian nights, Alif Laila etc etc speak volumes. One need not even have to visualise what could have happened, they are all available to see as movies, freely aired TV serials.



Well, these are NOT the prime points. Indian judiciary has also done excellently well. We are now see aware of Tihar jail only because of exemplary, impartial, non-corrupt judges of the day. But, then every one of us, amongst the billions that we are do not come across such judges to handle our litigations. BLACK sheep handle these and cause us so much of injustice that we die, suffer irreperable amputations just because of these BASTARDS. Even before the ink dries, I want to pay me due regards to honest judges, judiciary, law per se, nation per se, God per se. But, I have seen, experienced the amount of frustration, dejection, losses that one single BLACK SHEEP causes. Is common man's blood so cheap. Let it not be forgotten that one places his/her everything when one places his/her case at the fore of that judge, that court. If fence eats crop and finishes up even whatever little is left, there is no bigger crime than that. What is the use of bearing the brunt of so much of hardships, standing amidst so much of adversity, pains and fight when bullets pierce past all parts of the body in tons and tons and cause unbearable pain. Well, the warrior alone knows what it is to be a living, moving, breathing ghost and these BLOODY souls EAT, PREY, DANCE upon that honest victims' misery, pain by deceiving him, being cause for deciet, pronouncing wrong verdicts, confusing the troubled victim? Shame. Shame. It is time to review whether we need such individuals in such positions that get paid out of our aegis, our blood, sweat. This is exactly why India, the hole of the ex-colonial countries rose up in revolt. This was amongst prime causes for several mutines across the globe. The great mutiny by the Indian sepoys of the erst while rule, the Great World Wars etc etc stand testimony. 


Well, we are individuals too. We need justice. We need to see that cherished victory. We SHOULD mesmerise on the corpse of the evil, whoever, whoever through ABSOLUTELY JUST, TRANSPARENT processes. Black sheep WILL KILL THIS. It will kill you. What is the use of honesty, what is the use of work, what is the use of contributing, what is the use of sacrifices if fence eats the grass, ups the ante against you and even gives testimonials, medals to crime, criminals?


This is why 'Dishonest judges' should be taken to task on a case to case basis. There SHOULD be some exemplary role model verdicts. A country of billions cannot afford to have trillions of litigations. Role model verdicts should be the basis on which society has to get organised, self-driven. 


India is a great country. Ours is perhaps the only one that has gone through 'Satya Yuga'. Every constituent was, is a judge in his own way to his/her world around. Let it begin in the house. Let fathers/mothes/brothers/sisters be fair to offsprings who belovedly look upon them as judges at their own crtical times, be it a game or an argument or a nut cracking, hair splitting issue with the chum next door/infamily.


Let us not be unjust ourselves to our own elders, judges. But let us all be the force that they will think twice before laying dirty hands. It will be ideal if our judges turn to be role models in our lives who foster us with their own wisdom, solve our issues and enable all just people who approach them at their critical moments be winners in their respective lives.

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