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Abhishek   22 April 2017

Dispute between landlord / tenant and sub tenant

Summary  -  Karnataka / Bangalore              ********  SORRY TOO MANY QUESTIONS IN MIND ************** 


Mr A  (Original owner -landlord ) , Mr B  (Me -  Tenant )  & Mr C  ( Sub Tenant )

1.  Original  written agreeement for shop  was in 1982 between My dad & dad of land lord - both have passed away ( now wife is landlady & My mother next tenant )

2.  Son of original landlord Mr A wants the possession of shop in few weeks & threatened to put his own locks on shutter 

3. My dad had Sub Let the shop to Mr C in 1998 without any written agreement 

4. Mr C is not ready to vacate the shop as this is the only souce of income for him 

5. Mr C has paid regular rents via cash upto date without any arrears to Mr B (me) & i have paid all rents to Mr A ( No dues from anyone ) i have rent receipts 

6. Mr A wants the shop for some reason eg : personal use or wants higher rent or may want to evade me from middle & take direct rent 

7. Mr A has alreday given us ample time to vacate , even then we dont want to vacate the shop 

What is the next course of action ? can i ask landlord to file eviction case - only if there is a court order i will vacate 

8. if there is a case to be filed  it will be from Mr A to me or can he file directly with Mr C 

9. Mr A wants me to take the advance paid Rs 30,000  in 1982 & give hime in writing that i have No objection & i have handed over shop to Mr A & dont have any legal interest in shop 

I am not sure why he is asking this - May be he directly wants to communicate with Mr C for higher rent 

in this case apart from advance can i ask for goodwill or alimony eg 2-5 lakhs 

Kindly advise .


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