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Arpit Gupta   13 November 2017

Dividation of property between brothers


My grandfather was owned a house , but he died before leaving any vill . My grandfather have five son's and three daughters . One of the daughter also died . two are married and happily settled in their homes . Now I have two elder sisters and we are very weak financially so my father wants to sell our portion which we should get in our granfather's home in order to marry our daughters .

So what is the legal procedure to sell our portion . We don't have our granfather's vill  .

Please help us . We don't have much time.


 3 Replies

kavksatyanarayana (subregistrar/supdt.(retired))     13 November 2017

If your grandfather died intestate, all the legal heirs including daughters have equal rights over the property.  If any child of your grandfather died, his/her children have rights over the share of his/her child.

1 Like

Arpit Gupta   14 November 2017

Hi ,

Thanks for your reply!

My father's elder brother occupied most of the space in our grandfather's house . Please tell me the process to get my place back and process to legally divide the land . We want to sell our portion. How can we do that??

kavksatyanarayana (subregistrar/supdt.(retired))     14 November 2017

consult local lawyer and file a case in a court of law for partition between all the legal heirs.

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