I tell you something. In this situation, you have to make a SWOT analysis. Some people call them, the sick theories that Western countries brought into India.
You know how a Americanized mind thinks? It makes SWOT analysis.
If I throw stone in still waters, I don't know what the reaction will be. It does not even appear like normal water but filth. If it reacts against me? My dress will be dirtied. If she contests RCR, she can have an opportunity to file for maintenance in the same written statement in which you filed RCR. You have to then, pay for maintenance for both wife and kid.
If she does not contest and you succeed as per your plan to get divorce on the ground that one year had passed off since the order of RCR there is no response from her then also, if she decides to remain unmarried forever, even if you are married you have to keep paying maintenance to her and your kid that is in her care.
So, to throw the stone in filth or not? If you throw the stone, she may ask for maintenance for herself and kid. Or even file 498A. If you do not throw, she may remain calm and live her life. But that will not help you to marry another woman. So if you want another woman, you have to be ready to pay her. If you don't want to pay, you have to live suppressing desire for another woman. You are in a fix. However, it is also true that if you want to live with another woman, she may react by trying to impose the punishment of making you pay for maintenance out of feeling of vengeance. If you don't marry, she may live the life of dignity as she is living now without expecting anything from you.
For the pleasures you are eligible to enjoy in life you have to pay to her? How bad. But that is reality of sick Indian laws...