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Sankar Sankar (Employee)     08 December 2015



I have applied for the divorce, as my wife and her family insulted me very badly and shouted on my parents too.

As they are over domniating us and more enough of finacial background, my wife has shouted my mother without giving respect to her.

I depressed of their activites, and she was mentally torchouring me , as they wish to have me only , if my leave my parents , they are ready to welcome me.

I know , she doesnt give divorce to me.Even i dont want to continue my life.

We have a child of 10 months old.

My question is, 

Is there any law that will compells husband to live with wife ?

Pls help me with your answers.




 17 Replies

Vahini   08 December 2015

Dear Sankar,

There is no law to compel you to live with your wife. However, the legal process you need to follow is to file a divorce petition after showing one year of judicial seperation from your wife. The outcome of your divorce petition and whether you will be forced to live with your wife will ultimately depend on the judge's mindset and the evidence that is produced from your wife's side, in case they decide to contest the divorce petition. An alternative option is for you to suggest mediation to your wife where you can mutually work out the terms of your seperation and file them in court for granting a divorce decree by mutual consent. Please contact me on 09739730957 for more information. 



Sankar Sankar (Employee)     08 December 2015

Thank you Vahini Madam,

I have already filed the case , If my side reason may not be accepted from judge side.


What will/may be the judgement from court ? 

Because , our law and order are more favour to women's.( if she carries child and cries infront of judge )




Sankar Sankar (Employee)     08 December 2015

Thank you for TGK REDDI sir,

Pls reply for my above question



Advocate Kappil Cchandna (Expert Bail & Criminal Defence Lawyer at Delhi Supreme Court of India)     08 December 2015



Please ensure that you have sufficient evidences or witness to satisfy the allegations being put in by you, because the lacking part in most of the cases is to prove the case. 


Warm Regards

Kapil Chandna Advocate 


B.N.Raja Mohamed (ADVOCATE)     08 December 2015


It is once voluntary act to continue living with his spouse or not . No court can compell it unless until the reasons cited for divorce is legally sustainable.It seems you are illtreated mentally by your wife,you have to establish through the trial by letting in relevant evidences.


Wife and her household shouted at U many times and insulted U ( reasons known only to U),are the grounds for separation, forgetting the future of the 10 month old child.Is this justifiable for a married couple? I am not going into the legalities.

Sankar Sankar (Employee)     08 December 2015

Dear Mr.TGK REDDI Sir,

I am ready to give maintenance to her and my son,instead of continue an ashamed live with her , I am ready to stay away from her with full relaxation.

I am ready to take care of my child, but I thk as per law, child must grow from mom only.

Dear Mr.Sainath Devala Sir,

I just highlighted they were insulting and shouting on us, 

(1) She was cursing our family , by throwing sands on my homes from outside of my home 

 ( Hope you aware of throwing sands to homes is a big shameful and insult in southindia side )

(2) She was threating me by saying " I will put your son in jail " evidences are our neighbours and publics outside of my home.

(3) She told my mom over phone , " I will remove the MANGALYA to you , look for an another marriage your son , before she got pregnant she told this.

Dear Mr.Raja Mohamad Sir,

Thankyou for your points

Dear Mr.Kapil Chandan Sir,

Our neighbours are the evidences for looking the incident " She was Cursing and throwing sand on our homes ""




Sankar Sankar (Employee)     08 December 2015

I never had doubt on her activities,

I never beat her

I dont smoke , drink , no more friends (girl) ( Since I am working in Gulf , before also I dont )

They only want us to obey their instruction, if i do they ready to do anything for me.

That kind of ashamed life , I dont like it.

But , I wish, my wife want to listen my words, thats she is not doing , listening her mom instruction.

So far, this two years of married life , she came to my home for only 6 days stayed.

Over all a dominating family.

We are middle class family, she doesnt want to stay in my home.( Even tough we have 2BHK home) 

Like this issues been started.


SuperHero (Manager)     09 December 2015

Originally posted by : Sankar Sankar
Dear Mr.TGK REDDI Sir,

I am ready to give maintenance to her and my son,instead of continue an ashamed live with her , I am ready to stay away from her with full relaxation.

I am ready to take care of my child, but I thk as per law, child must grow from mom only.

Dear Mr.Sainath Devala Sir,

I just highlighted they were insulting and shouting on us, 

(1) She was cursing our family , by throwing sands on my homes from outside of my home 

 ( Hope you aware of throwing sands to homes is a big shameful and insult in southindia side )

(2) She was threating me by saying " I will put your son in jail " evidences are our neighbours and publics outside of my home.

(3) She told my mom over phone , " I will remove the MANGALYA to you , look for an another marriage your son , before she got pregnant she told this.

Dear Mr.Raja Mohamad Sir,

Thankyou for your points

Dear Mr.Kapil Chandan Sir,

Our neighbours are the evidences for looking the incident " She was Cursing and throwing sand on our homes ""




Why does a Woman throw Sand, Stones and curse you People???

Just like that. Then she is mentally ill..Looks like her tongue doesn't have a speed breaker..

I do understand that is an insult and no respect given.

Give Respect and Take Respect.

But there should be a reason for Shouting. Did you go and meet a Pyscharatist??

Yes Agreed sometimes roaming around courts is much better than being with this kind of people.

But think of 10 months old child and make a decision.

What do you want to do after Divorce? Get Married again?


Dear Querist, answer the reply given by Super Hero.

Sankar Sankar (Employee)     09 December 2015

Dear Mr.Super Hero ,

As I mentioned earlier, they are financially well in their background, even for small things they cant even control their feelings and anger

I was not spoken to my wife and son for 6 months, when her brother(younger than me ) shouted/scolded  on me without giving respect.

After this incident , We called their parents to take some good decision/solution , but they came to my home and shouted on my mom, cursing , throw sand, etc,etc

That day , I deceided to go for divorce,

Might be the reason for their overwhelming anger on us.they thought that my mom and dad would have been changed my mind.

Thats the reason, she was cursing and thrown sand on our home., 

Mr.Super hero , if a  weathly family fails for such a small things in their life , as their opposing party is as lesser/smaller than of their status, who cant bare their feeliings/control.

There their EGO , STATUS issues  etc etc begins,

After the 6 months from marriage date , our issues had been started,.

I bare with them , because of vising my child's furture for 2 years.

"" The guy who can live without parents,wife and child, but the dominating wife , mentally torchoring life cant continue for a reason of 10 months child life "

HOpe you understand my above sentence.

I am not interested in getting divorce, if I would not initiated my side  , sure they shall go for police to file case against my mom,dad and me.

If i dont get divorce also , not an issues, I dont continue my life.

Is their any law that the husband and wife can live their life separatly without giving divorce , as I am taking care of their basic necessity.














Many might not agree with my point of view.

As you have loved your wife and there is child out of wedlock, its better that you people forget your differences and live together for betterment of self and for child future.

It is sad that few experts know only to suggest how to go for seperation.

Seperation can be done in a minute, but think about the life of a child.  Like Mr Reddi has told, it will be long cat and mouse game if you get seperated as you have child out of wedlock.

But again proving that she and her parents shouted is also difficult without proper evidence.

You might get divorced, but this child will always be your first child, in case you re-marry.  Think all this too.

1 Like

Sankar Sankar (Employee)     09 December 2015

Thank you for your nice explanation.

I am not that much of hard guy by not seeing my child's future. I have seen everything

Their family and my wife changed me a lot by insulating us ,( changed my charater too )

I have crossed those levels and all.

Who will leave their parents ? Do you ? or anybody ?

We are not a upper middle class people , who doesnt care about their parents after marriage.   ( i not saying for all people )

My father was started as police constable, every ups and down of my family, the money problem , how they managed for my school fees,  everything i knew from my childhood.

How can i leave them ?

Now they are oldages, i am the only one son.

I tried many times for giving counselling my wife's mind , by saying these all things,

All waste.

We cant change their basic habits and activities.

I am very calm guy, i dont frequently get anger on others.

" The guy who frequently gets angry can convince his mind , but the person who gets angry rarely , its very difficult to change or cnvince him "

I am the second guy.

I have never seen or crossed these kind of peoples in my life.

 We never expected any dowry from them , since we are from middle class , still middle class, if we interested for money, i would have not fight for my self respect , diginity and etc.,

Pls tell me what shall i do now ?









Only son you are, she also should understand your limitations,  You can also bend, but not to the extent that your back bone will break.


Marriage life is adjsutment life, job you can leave and get another, but now a days people leave wife/husband also as if it is also one job.  But they are correct, married life is also job, big job.  No salary job.  Perks are love affection, kids out of wedlock.


There can be many things ahead in your life or none at all. You might get married, not be able to have a kid, you would want to take custody of kid from frist marriage but court might not give it to you, you might feel like killing yourself but you cannot, you might want to find new girl but you  might not get.


I am not being pessimistic here, but trying to warn you what might happen.  Tommorow your parents themselves might blame you for the decisoin you are taking for sepeartion today.  Tomrw girls might reject you saying you are divorcee.


So all this if you have thought and also thought what you will tell your kid if tmrw if kid comes and asks why  you did like this whom will you put the blame on?  Yourself, the mother, or the society?  Think about all this.

I would say you give it a try, many people have rethought their decisoin and have gotten back to their families after taking my advice.  You also think and go back to your wife, love can change many a things.  Give some time to this relationshp, ROME was not buillt in a day.


Finally it is your life and it is in your own hands, you can have it or blow it, decsion is entirely up to you.  Later on, you cannot blame anyone, but yourself.

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