Sanneboina (proprietor/owner) 24 February 2018
SHIRISH PAWAR, 7738990900 (Advocate) 24 February 2018
We cannot provide the grounds for filing divorce case. However in your case you can file divorce case on cruelty ground. Please appoint advocate and consult with him and take necessary steps.
Adv. SUNIL MHATRE 24 February 2018
Sanneboina (proprietor/owner) 24 February 2018
Adv Radhika Mehta (Advocate) 26 February 2018
Firstly as suggested hereinabove, go the local Police Station and file an Non-cognizable Complaint (NC) putting on record that your wife left the house since this date and since then has been threatening to implicate you in false cases. This complaint is just for record.
As far as grounds are concerned for filing Divorce, you can seek a Divorce on the ground of cruelty.