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Rajaramana RV (Employee)     16 April 2014

Divorce advice

Dear members,

How long does a normal divorce case take? And generally how do you lengthen the divorce case when you know the allegations are false. Also the opposite lawyer has quoted the husbands salary at three times what he earns and pays tax on and and has asked for money which is double than he has ever earned in life. Also he has falsely accused the parents of the husband showing verbal abuse.

1.Now what I would like to know is that is it normal for lawyers to exagerate the amount earned as well as maintenance claimed.

2. Also when the opposite party is falsely accusing the husbands parents is that not against the law when no criminal complaint has been filed against them since 2 years.

3. Do you have to pay interim maintenance when the case starts if the wise has left husband 2 years back and is now filing the case due to her parents. Kindly advise on the questions asked.


 2 Replies

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     16 April 2014



Originally posted by : Rajaramana RV


How long does a normal divorce case take?
Depends on various objective and subjective factors r/w concerned Court’s cause list calendar.

And generally how do you lengthen the divorce case when you know the allegations are false.
Take: In my opinion when one feels that allegations contained in a suit matter are false then it is always better to wrap up the suit matter itself asap instead of lengthening the same.


Now what I would like to know is that is it normal for lawyers to exagerate the amount earned as well as maintenance claimed.
Take: Advocate acts as per instructions received from a client. If a metro wife multiplies her moneyrama receivable dreams then it is for Law to take its own course.

Also when the opposite party is falsely accusing the husbands parents is that not against the law when no criminal complaint has been filed against them since 2 years.
Take: In such cases Law takes its own course and at summoning stage one cannot be jury and judge to a suit matter.

3. Do you have to pay interim maintenance when the case starts if the wise has left husband 2 years back and is now filing the case due to her parents. Kindly advise on the questions asked.
Take: Maintenance payable depends on material facts. Read various discussions in family law forum on maintenance to know more about it. However maintenance is a issue which is contentious as per Law till she gets divorce and or get re-married which ever happens later.



Yadanand Legal help (maintenance divorce remarriage =     16 April 2014

Persons seeking divorce should first exploit the void marriage route to avoid future liabilities.

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