Further to the above, have placed the official letter(evidence) that she was working in Chennai in front of the Honarable Justice, High court. In the meantime the learnt Wife has puposefully resigned and left to different place. When my lawer argued the behaviour is a clear pupose of abuse of law, the Honrable court asked both parties to go in compromise. There was also another point for me which is she fabricated the fact of filing the cases as she filed her RcR first followed by which I filed the Divorce. Which is a clear cut lie as matter of fact of Court Filing dates. Finally the order was to transfer the case to Madurai which came indirectly favourable to her as she was living there until I filed divorce and vacated that place puposefully and went to Theni(filed RcR) just to haress me to make me wander from Chennai to Theni for every hearing. The Honarable Court says haressment needs to be established in Family court and not in this case(CMP & Tr. CMP). In addition the Court also ordered 25K as litigation charges to be paid to her even after I proved her
1. Fabrication of fact of filing the Divorce & RcR petitions
2. working in chennai with IDcard and Official letter that she was working in Chennai when the Stay cum Transfer Case was filed(CMP & Tr. CMP).
I don't know what else merit I can establish in Court to prove her purposefull haressment on me by abusing the Law written only for protection, consideration of Women and clearly not for the very pupose my wife misusing them for.
Can someone help, shed some light, if this Case
1. can be appealled ?
2. In Highcourt or Supreme Court ?
3. What will be the probablity that I can prove these merits in (CMP & Tr. CMP) I am being harressed ?
Appreciate your Guidance in this matter....