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jagdish (manager)     19 August 2011

Divorce application

Dear Sir ,

I had married 15 sep 2008 with one girl in temple (i have temple certificate, photos & sign affidavit by both parties) only absance of marriage certificate & stay each other house after marriage. 3 monts ago her family come to know about actual situation they left with her native place. she drunk phinile over there & after that i file writt pettation & hybys corpus case against her family. as per my request she presented in court, but she turns around & told that she want to stay with her family & give the statment that my marriage is not legal .

my case disposed in high court, kindly advise can i need to take divorce in this matter or file congucation case in this matter. i realy feel cheat by girl in this marriage. kindly advise so i can take proper action against her.



 1 Replies

Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA)     19 August 2011

It was a valid marriage and should end with either annulment or divorce.

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